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THE SCORE WAS 1-1. You won the first round easily. He had seen you fight with guns and knives but he made the mistake of underestimating your strength, agility, and speed when it came to hand to hand combat. You both had decided on a match with no quirks. First to step out of bounds or get immobilized would lose.

So you immediately lunged forward with a series of kicks and punches, putting Bakugou only on the defense. While he was busy dodging and blocking your attacks, you inched closer and closer, moving the fight to the edge of the mat until he finally stepped out of bounds. From the look on his face, it was obvious he hadn't even realized it until you stopped your attacks and pointed at his feet.

Bakugou wanted to help you pull yourself together and deal with your trauma but in that moment, his competitive nature superseded everything else.

He complained that he was only warming up and asked for a rematch. Having your ego boosted with a quick win, you immediately agreed and even taunted him a bit. Though two minutes into the second match, you regretted your decision.

This time, Bakugou was prepared. He had analyzed your fighting style and attack techniques which led to him countering everything you threw at him.

The second match lasted longer too. But the truth was that he was bigger in size, both much taller and bulkier than you, and a bit stronger too. Combining his raw athleticism with strategical analysis, he took advantage of his body weight and tackled you down.

From his position sitting on the back of your hips, he twisted your right arm back to hold you in place.

You clawed at the mat with your free hand, kicked your legs back, jolted your body around, all to no avail. Bakugou's hold on you was unwavering, earning him a win with a pin down.

None of you needed to even mention a third match. There was a silent agreement, an understanding, between you two: there could only be one victor.

So you both stepped back to your respective sides of the mat and readied yourself. This was it. The determining match.

You fisted your palms and brought them up and alert, tucked your chin, and stood with your rear foot at a 45 degree angle.

From your training, you knew when fighting with someone twice your size, throwing the first punch is critical to gain the upper hand over them. You watched him closely, every step, every small movement, every twitch of a muscle. And there it was, an opening.

You threw a palm strike to Bakugou's chin, making him stumble back a bit. Taking advantage of his momentary imbalance, you brought your knee up with all your strength and kicked him right in the groin.

Bakugou's breath hitched in his throat before he hissed in pain. His hands darted down to his lower body as he toppled over and fell to his knees.

You wanted to step back before he could get up, to create as much distance as possible, but he was quick enough to grab your ankle and pull you close "Get back here you brat. I can't believe you kicked me in the balls!"

You balanced on one feet while trying to free your ankle from his rough grip "Not my fault you're too slow to dodge."

"You little shit. Now die!" He yanked your leg forward to trip you down to the mat where he would have the advantage. But you used the momentum to push yourself up, freeing your ankle in the process, and wrap your legs around his neck.

"Big mistake, anger issues." You swiftly twisted your upper body and leaned to the side, forcing your bodies to fall over with him absorbing the impact of the hit for the two of you. With his neck still between your thighs squeezing just tight enough to have him struggle and his arm pulled back with both your hands, you successfully immobilized him.

He tried to fight you off of him but you only tightened the leg headlock, pressing his airway tighter and finally forcing him to slap your thigh to let go and admit defeat.

The sides of your lips stretched into a big smile and you beamed off pride and confidence. "I won. And you don't have any excuses."

Bakugou couldn't help but smile too. He was feeling the second hand pride, but he couldn't have you getting too cocky. "You know. When I imagined being between your legs, I never thought it'd be cause you're chocking me to death." He teased while throwing you a towel.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "The only time you'd be between my legs is when I need to choke you to death, Bakugou."

He quirked a brow, quite amused by your playful side "Is that a challenge?"

"More like a threat." You winked and chuckled under your breath as you started walking back to the room.

Bakugou let out an airy laugh and followed closely behind. "You're not half bad at fighting, you know?"

You slowed down your pace so he could walk next to you and looked over at him. "Not half bad? I kicked your ass there."

"Cause you played dirty. Kneeing me in the balls? Really?"

"Hey! We never said any body parts were off-limit." And you were right. There were only two rules: don't step out of the bounds and don't get pinned down.

"I guess..." he muttered under his breath and pouted childishly which only made you laugh. A genuine, happy laugh. It was the first time he heard the sound of it and he was already addicted, wanting to hear it more. You looked better too. More self-assured.

"You know, if you wanna get back at that bastard doctor, you could always join us."

"What? You mean become a vigilante?"

"Well... yeah, basically."

"I'm not that noble, Bakugou. Quite the opposite, I'm actually pretty selfish."

"You say that, but then you came to fight with me when you saw I was shot back at Akuma's mansion, wrapped my wound too. and with Eri. I've seen you almost every night spending time with her, helping her. Does that sound like something a selfish person would do?"

You stayed quiet and dropped your eyes down to your shoes. He wasn't wrong but you could think of so many more examples of you putting yourself ahead of everyone else or doing something just cause you felt like it without any regards for the consequences.

As if reading your mind, Bakugou spoke up again "Humans are inherently selfish. It's natural to have selfish tendencies. But don't confuse selfishness with self care for survival."

"I'll think about it." Your voice was low and eyes still glued to the ground, but your drawn brows showed you were thinking about it hard.

"Good. I'll let Aizawa know. Maybe you can come on the next mission."

You finally looked up at him, right into his ruby eyes to show your sincerity "Thanks, Bakugou. You know... for everything."

"Yeah, whatever." He quickened his pace to walk ahead of you, hoping to hide the tint of pink on his cheeks.


Work in the darkness to serve the light ⚔️

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