#7- Diagon Alley

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When the green flames finally cleared away out of my view, I was still standing in a chimney. However when I looked around I realized that I wasn't inside of the Weasley's residence anymore. The room was full of tables and chairs, and in the back corner by the door there's a bar. Ron was sitting down at one of the tables with his head down. When does he not sleep?

I stepped out, and not even a minute later Fred appeared and right after him came George. When George stepped out another green flame erupted, revealing Percy. "Mum, and dad said to just go. Someone wake up Ron." Before the twins could go I ran up to the bar and grabbed a pitcher, filling it with water from the sink.

I speed walked back towards Ron and poured some of the water on him. He shot up immediately and fell out of the chair with a loud thud. I started dying and rolling on the floor, Percy just shook his head but I swore there was a slight smile on his face. "Aruna did it!" George and Fred pointed at me and put up their hands in defense.

I caught my breath and stood up with a smile on my face. "Don't spill water on me while i'm sleeping." I shrugged and dusted off my outfit. "Where's Harry?" Percy started to look around for my brother. "I thought he was with you guys."

Ron shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. "You lost my brother?" I turned around at whiplash speed. Ron shifted awkwardly and didn't meet my eyes. My eyes widened, "Oh my god you lost my brother holy shit!"

Ron started to say how he thought he was with us as his defense. "Ok we'll find him let's just get going so we can get what we need. Aruna we can stop by Gringotts for you first, mum gave me your key." I glared at a nervous Ron once more before walking out of the room.


I took some of the many gold coins from my vault and put them in a small pouch I had in my bag. I remembered that the boys didn't have much money so I made sure to grab extra just in case so I could insist on paying if they couldn't. We left Gringotts and made our way through the many shops. The first one we went to was a place called Ollivanders Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 B.C.

When we walked in there were shelves among shelves of boxes. Each wall was blocked by a different case. An old man came out of the back room. He had white hair, and looked quite old. He sort of reminded me of Albert Einstein just without the mustache.

"Hello there and welcome to Ollivanders Makers of Fine Wands! What could I do for you Weasleys?" While Percy and the twins were informing Mr. Ollivander of who I was, I lost myself in the cases upon the walls. I traced my hand along the different size boxes that decorated every shelf, leaving no room to see between them.

"Mesmerizing isn't it?" I turned around to see the man standing next to me. "Yes, very much. It's almost as if they each have their own special aura. Not one could magnetize like the other, each is differently captivating." I talked slowly as the magical atmosphere intoxicated my senses.

He chuckled at my statement. "Precisely. I like to say that the wizard does not get to choose one's wand, but the wand instead chooses its wizard." I looked at him and smiled. "Now, I hear that you're in need of a wand?" I nodded and followed him back to the desk in the corner next to the stairs. As he made his way to the back, I looked around and saw that the Weasleys were waiting outside.

He came back with a tape measurer and measured all along my arm and then, once more, disappeared behind the shelves. Mr. Ollivander came back with a dark brown box. He opened it and started to describe the type of wand laid inside. "Beech wood, unicorn hair core, 12" and easy flexibility. Give this one a try." He carefully placed the wand into my hand. "Go on, give it a swish." He motioned his hand in a circular motion.

When I attempted to do the same, a spark flew out of the wand and hit the wall, almost knocking it down. I jumped at the sudden noise. He took the wand from my hands and put it aside only to pull out another box from under his desk. "Spruce wood, dragon heartstring core, 11 1/2" and hard flexibility." I did the same movement and this time nothing happened at all.

I looked at Mr. Ollivander, who was now muttering to himself. He continued to mutter as he took the wand and put it to the side like he did with the other. Instead of going behind a shelf, he walked into a room on the side and skimmed through the boxes. He stopped at a red box, the only red one in the room, and stopped muttering. "How interesting indeed..." was all he said as he pulled the box out and placed it on the desk.

He spoke slowly as he took the wand out of the case. "This wand is made of the rarest wood, along with a strong core. However, I saw this coming since you are a Potter of course. You Potters never fail to amaze me, just like your brother." I smiled at his statement. "Hard flexibility, phoenix feather core, 12 3/4"." He paused before he put it into my hand. "And made out of Elder wood." When he placed it into my hand I didn't need to do the same procedure. As soon as it came into contact with my skin it started glowing.

"How interesting," is all he repeated. I was hypnotized by the ambience the wand radiated. When it stopped glowing I thanked Mr. Ollivander and paid him with my gallons. I walked out and met up with the Weasleys who were playing with the owls in the cages from the shop across. It was called Magical Menagerie. I needed to buy an owl so I could send letters so I went into the shop as they stayed outside and continued to let the bird peck at their fingers.

A tall woman greeted me while I looked around. There were cages with all types of creatures that would be considered myths to the muggle world. But at the moment they weren't myths but majestical animals. My gaze caught multiple animals but only stopped at a pure black owl sitting in a cage in the corner. It had purple eyes and when he saw me it hooted.

"How much for that one?" I turned to the tall woman who greeted me earlier and pointed at the black bird. She told me the price and I instantly paid for him. She got the cage and handed it to me. "Thank you!" I ran out of the shop and showed the boys my bird. They seemed to love him, however he wouldn't let them touch him. When I put my finger into the cage he only allowed me to pet him.

"I swear you are not human." Ron rolled his eyes. "No, I'm just better at taking care of pets than you." We made our way to a book shop called Flourish and Blotts where Percy told us to meet him and the rest of the Weasleys. 

Mischief Managed {~A Fred and George Weasley FF~}Where stories live. Discover now