#8- The Malfoys

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When we entered the book shop we were instantly bombarded by crowds of people, mostly all females. Despite the ocean of people, spotting the Weasley family was fairly easy thanks to their striking red hair. Right after we walked in I heard someone call out my name.

When I turned around Harry was standing at the doorway covered in dust while standing next to a girl with curly brown hair. "Harry!" I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "What happened, we've been looking for you everywhere?" He explained to us how he ended up in someplace called Knockturn Alley. "Sounds sketchy."

"Yea it was, but Hagrid found me. While walking here we bumped into Hermione. Hermione, this is my sister Aruna." I waved and smiled at her to which she mirrored. When we finally made your way through the crowd Molly greeted all of us with a hug before getting distracted. Suddenly loud screams and claps came from every girl in the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, Gilderoy Lockhart."

A blonde guy came out from the room behind the desk in a light blue and white dress robe. "Mum fancies him." Ron scowled as his face turned into one of disgust. Molly heard him and turned around to slap him lightly on the arm. A guy with a camera pushed past everyone. "Excuse me everyone, this is for the Daily Prophet." He got one photo of the guy before Lockhart's face turned blank.

I followed his gaze towards Harry and I. "It can't be... Harry and Aruna Potter." Everyone went silent as the guy with the camera pushed us towards the desk. Gilderoy then grabbed our sleeves and harshly pulled us towards him. I turned towards Harry with a 'If he grabs me one more time I'll slap him' look. "Nice big smiles you guys." Harry smiled awkwardly as I made mine as sarcastic looking as I could.

He started to go on about how amazing it was that, to his belief, me and Harry came here just for him and his autobiography. I rolled my eyes at his egotistical demeanor and slid his hand off my shoulder. I slid his hand off of Harry as well and dragged him back towards Mrs. Weasley. Gilderoy let out an awkward chuckle at my reaction towards him. Nonetheless, he continued his speech about well... himself.

Molly sent us off so go get the rest of our supplies while she stayed with Arthur to get her books signed by that self-absorbed bloke. I rolled my eyes and walked away with the others. "It is amazing how the Potter siblings came into Flourish and Blotts for my autobiography!" Fred and George both mocked Lockhart. We all laughed at them while making our way once more through the crowds of overly excited people.

Our conversations were interrupted when we heard someone mention Harry's name. "Bet you loved that didn't you Pottah?" A guy with platinum blonde hair stood in front of the door, blocking our way. I sensed Harry and the others tense up. "Famous Harry Pottah who can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page. Not mention that you now have help from your sister here." He turned towards me with a smug look. Harry pushed me slightly behind him as Ginny stepped forward.

"Leave him alone." She sneered while all he did was smirk. "Got yourself a little girlfriend I see?" Soon enough, someone pushed Draco away by their cane. "Now Draco, play nicely." He looked at me and Harry with a sickly sweet smile. If you'd looked at it you could tell it was fake in an instant. Ron pulled Ginny behind him just like what Harry did to me. The man held out his hand, "Lucius Malfoy."

Harry kept a blank face while shaking his hand. "Forgive me," the man then pulled Harry towards him and put the head of his cane on Harry's forehead. He used the sculpture of the snake to push his hair away, revealing his scar. He turned towards me and moved the cane to reach out at me. He put the snake by my neck and moved my hair to the side, now revealing my moon shaped scar. I pushed his cane away roughly while refusing to meet his eyes. I felt a hand grab mine and looked up to see Fred on my right and George on my left.

The man cleared his throat while looking extremely annoyed by my actions. "Your scars are legends, just, of course, like the wizard who gave it to you." He smirked at us along with who I'd guess to be his son, Draco. His words somehow flipped a switch inside of me, making me angry by his words. "Voldemort is not a legend, nor a wizard. He is only, and will only ever be a murderer and dictator."

Lucius, who looked pleased, then went on to talk about how I was either "brave or maybe foolish for speaking out you-know-who's name." Hermione then stepped up. "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." I've never met this girl in my life but damn was that hot.

"And you must be the mudblood Draco had spoken of. I mean other than the Potters I wouldn't know anyone else of your kind to talk to him." This remark made Hermione perplexed. She stepped back and I could see the hurt in her eyes. I pulled her towards me and rubbed her arm to try and comfort her the best I could being given our situation.

He then turned to Ron and looked at him with disgust. "Let me see red hair, vacant expression." He then looked between the twins and Percy and then down at Ginny. He grabbed the journal from her cauldron in one swift motion. "Tatty... second hand book. You must be the Weasleys."

Just then Arthur came behind us with an extremely awkward look on his face. "Children, it's mad in here, let's go outside." Before he could lead us out, Lucius entangled him in another conversation. Harry, Ron, George, and Fred told me Hermione and Ginny to meet them at Quality Quidditch Supplies.

Me and the girls walked around until we got there. The place was decorated with colorful banners from the inside. Through the big windows in the front you could see multiple quidditch robes, jumpers, and flags. When we entered we all went our separate ways, all except Hermione who mentioned that she's not one for flying or sports so she just followed Ginny and I.

After a couple of minutes, the boys finally entered the shop and looked around with us. Harry had mentioned what quidditch was like at Hogwarts and I immediately fell in love with the sport. It sounded fun and exciting so I was determined to try out for whatever house I got. While we were leaving the store with the things we bought I remembered our encounter with the Malfoys and got curious.

"Who is Draco and Lucius?" Everyone quieted down and didn't respond except for Harry. "People you don't need to worry about or go near. Especially Draco ok?"

"Ok, but why? I mean I get that he called us and Hermione that awful name but what did he do?" Harry shifted nervously as he continued walking.

"Remember I told you about that one Slytherin who was a complete git to us in our first year?" I nodded my head slowly. "Well that was Draco and his little minions. The Malfoy family is known for being wealthy, powerful, and blood supremacists. Just- promise me you'll stay away from them and most Slytherins."

I nodded my head slightly. What was so wrong with being in Slytherin? Harry explained them as horrible people, but honestly from what I hear they just sound misunderstood. However, I knew what Harry was getting at so I agreed on his behalf. But, I could never get myself to believe that they were all like Lucius Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy.

His name gave me a weird feel for some reason. His complexion in general diffused a grim feeling. I pushed the thought aside for now, given that I only just met him, but the feeling will never leave my body. The feeling that something dreadful will follow these coming years. And boy the amount that I underestimated this feeling would be a choice I will live to regret.


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