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draco was sprinting from the quidditch pitch, pushing away anyone who was in his way. draco held his phone to his ear, calling the girl he so very much liked. she didn't pick up. every since evelyn posted that picture... and the texts she sent... draco was worried, and that underestimates the feeling.

professors called after the tall blonde boy as he made a destructive path, but draco malfoy would not and did not stop until he was in the middle of the common room, standing up against luca beckett and bella mallory.

"where the fuck is she" draco hissed, trying to move past luca. luca pushed draco back, and draco glared. it looks could kill, his would.

"mate, she hasn't let anyone in. hate to break it to you but if bells and i can't get in, then you won't" luca says, crossing his arms over his chest. draco seethed, and started pacing, pulling at his hair with his hands.

"just fucking let me try. she will let me in, i know she will. one of us has to get in" draco yells. bella walks up towards him cautiously.

"malfoy, you need to calm down. she obviously is going through something and wants to be alone, she will open up when she wants. give it time" bella says, almost reaching out to touch the angered boy, but pulls back.

draco takes in her words, knowing in his heart that was the right thing to do... give her time. but he couldn't. he couldn't stay out here not knowing if she was okay, not being able to help her.

"fuck this" draco says as he roughly pushes past the two, running up to the girl dormitories. bella and luca call after him, but it's no good.

"evelyn! ev! love, let me in, what's wrong?" draco yells as he reaches the girls dorm, knocking on her door several times. evelyn doesn't respond.

"evelyn... i know your listening to me, darling. whatever happened, whatever your going through i'm here for you... okay?" draco didn't really know what to say, he was never good with feelings or comforting people. he never once in his life time did anything nice or comforting to someone (well maybe except for his mother) . but for some reason, evelyn was the exception.

no response, yet again.

"i'm here darling, it's just me. draco. just me, come on love." he whispers, but loud enough for the girl inside to hear. draco then drops his forehead against the door, sighing in defeat. maybe he wasn't anymore special then mallory and beckett.

but right before draco went to turn away, on the other side of the door, he heard the quiet sniffles and soft padding of the feet that made their way to the door. his eyes widened and he straightened up, waiting for the girl to open the door and let him comfort her.

the door slowly creaked open, and there she stood. to draco, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. and even now, her hair in a messy bun, mascara running down her checks, dark circles under her eyes, her pale skin, the droopy but luscious lips, she was still beautiful.

draco shook his head, getting himself out of the trance he was in before quickly wrapping his arms around the girl. she quickly hugged back, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around her neck. the frail girl dug her head into his neck.

"draco" she whimpered quietly. he held onto her tighter, closing the door behind him (where bella and luca stood astonished he could get in).

"yes, love, it's me. i'm here" he gently says, running his hands through her knotty hair.  evelyn whimpers more, clutching more onto draco, afraid he would let go of her. but he wouldn't, never.

draco carried her across the room to her bed, opening the curtain with one hand, as the other stayed around her waist. he then went to gently place her down on the bed, but evelyn clutched onto him tighter.

"no, don't leave me too" she cries, her voice hoarse yet soft. beautiful still, always.

"baby, i won't. i promise. i'm just placing you on your bed, i'll get in after too" he says before she finally lets go, allowing him to place her onto the bed. he then sits next to her as he goes to take off his shoes. evelyn was already laying there, her eyes tired and droopy, feeling as if she could finally fall asleep since draco came.

draco slowly took off his shoes, and evelyn held onto his shirt, holding it tightly, having to keep hold of draco feeling as if he would run away if she didn't. draco finally turned around and got under the covers as well, wrapping his arms around the fragile girl.

draco and evelyn melted into one, their bodies fitting with each other perfectly like matching puzzle pieces, incomplete until they are with each other. their feet were entangled, her head dug into his neck.  dracos arms were wrapped around her waist securely, his cheek resting ontop of her head, ever so often lifting up to kiss her head. one of evelyns hands was reached up to hold his cheek, her thumb rubbing soft circles, while the other laid ontop of one of dracos hands, the fingers of both intertwining slightly and as best as they could in the position they were in.

"draco... my parents died today" evelyn finally whispered, tears falling from her eyes. draco stayed quiet for a minute, pulled her closer, but had trouble coming up with words to say. this was all new to him. so he started off with the simple,

"i'm sorry"

the both of them stayed quiet knowing there was more to his two words, more he wanted to say. but he couldn't find the right words. and evelyn liked this. he wasn't the one to just say 'they are in a better place now' or what not... because frankly, no one could ever know what truly happens after death. and maybe that's what hurt evelyn the most - not knowing where they went - if they even could go anywhere, if they were okay, if she could ever see them again. the universe was deranged, crazy, spectacular, and scary. it was all a mystery.

"i wish you could've met them, dray. i think they really would've liked you" she says, leaning up to look at them. he furrows his eyebrows.

"ev, they would think i'm a monster. you're perfect and i'm far from that. you deserve the world evelyn. and your parents knew that. they are proud of you. i would never want to corrupt any of that" he whispers, and smiles sadly, wiping her tears with his thumb.

"they would love you. that's the one thing about them, draco. they didn't care about what someone did, or portrayed to be like... all they cared about was the soul of a person..." the little girl says, before playing a small hand over his heart.

"they would see the kindness in your soul, and only focus on the good of you. that's why i loved them so much, you know? no matter what, they always saw the good in everything. everything, draco... i feel so alone now that they are gone. i don't think i can be like them, i don't see any good in their deaths"

"maybe you don't see it, notice it, believe it, but it's there. everything that happens has its reasons, and i can assure you evelyn, you are not alone. i will never leave your side, ever." draco whispers, feeling vulnerable at how much he has opened up, and so quickly.

evelyn looks up at him and smiles, and although tears were still falling, and pain was still present, some happiness was still in her. because of him. he would be the one who would get her through this.

and with a kiss to her cheek, both draco and evelyn fell into a deep slumber, not letting go of each other, but staying cuddled up in their bundle of love. they may not know it yet - but that's what it was, love.

written in the stars | draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now