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As blood trickled down your arms, I realized red was my favourite colour



Yoongi jumped in surprised as he was woken up abruptly by ice cold water thrown at his face. He tried to process what was happening as he panted slightly, eyes wide as he scanned his surroundings. 

Jihyun was standing in front of him, holding an empty bucket with a smirk on his face. 

"Good morning! I hope you slept well." Yoongi didn't respond, still disoriented. He regain his senses pretty quickly though when he was slapped. 

"I'd appreciate it if you answer me next time." Yoongi started shivering, his now wet shirt clinging onto his skin.

"Y-yes." The young boy could still feel the sting of the slap. 

"Good. I guess we can start then." The man turned around and went to grab something at the back of the room. Yoongi felt confused when he saw what he was bringing. 

Jihyun installed the camera on a tripod right in front of Yoongi.  He made sure to turn it on before going to a wooden table which was set against the wall. He opened a large metallic case. Knives of different size and shapes were in it, waiting to be stained in blood. 

Jihyun pondered for a while before he decided on one, and he approached Yoongi with a cocky smirk on his lips. Yoongi felt his face pale. 

Jihyun grabbed Yoongi's shoulder and leaned towards him while facing the camera. "Hi Jiminie, I just happened to stumble upon your boyfriend on the streets, and I thought we could get to know each other since we're basically family now, don't you think Yoongi?" 

The younger didn't respond and kept his head down, embarrassed to be filmed in this position. Jihyun suddenly grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back, forcing him to face the camera.

"You wanna get to know me, right Yoongi?" Yoongi had his eyes shut tight, wincing because of the pain.

"Y-Yeah." Satisfied, Jihyun released him. Yoongi felt slightly relieved now that the pain was gone, but he quickly became on edge again when his kidnapper pressed the blade on his throat. 

"Hmm, how pretty you would look with blood dripping down you neck." He dug the knife more on the skin, which caused it to open slightly. A drop of blood glided down Yoongi's neck to his bare torso. 

"Don't worry, I won't kill him. Yet." Just like that, the knife was removed and Yoongi could breathe again. 

"I'll just hurt him a lot." 

An hour later, Yoongi's head was hanging down low while Jihyun cleaned his blade with a cloth. The younger's arms, legs and stomach were covered with cuts and bruises. Yoongi had passed out from the pain. 

With a last look towards his victim, Jihyun left the room. 

A while later, Yoongi finally woke up, his vision hazy. He was reminded of what happened to him when pain rushed back from all over his body. He sobbed as he pulled against his restraints, desperately trying to get out. 

"Let me out! Let me out!!" The boy cried at the top of his lungs. He continued to shout until his voice became scratchy and his throat hurt.  

"Please..." Yoongi uttered quietly. He finally leaned back in the chair, exhausted. The thought of his brother, his friends and his boyfriend only made him cry more, his heart heavy. 

"What did I do to deserve this..." It seemed like a huge weight was pressing on his chest, and a lump formed in his throat. 

"I just wanna be happy..." Yoongi sniffled, "Why can't I be happy?" 

His question was welcomed by silence, leaving him to deal with his thoughts and sorrows on his own.

Loud gunshots could be heard from the basement where Jimin was practicing his aim. Well, it was more to blew off some steam than anything else. 

The man appeared to be contained from the outside, his eyes cold and calculating. However inside, a storm was raging. 

His thoughts were only occupied with his precious baby, whom had been taken from him. Although he wouldn't admit it, Jimin was scared. 

Jihyun was no fool, he knew the best way to hurt Jimin was to go through his loved ones. Jimin couldn't help but wonder about was Yoongi going through right now. And it was all because of Jimin, because of his past. 

The thought of losing Yoongi was terrifying to Jimin. The younger was his light in the dark, and without him he would be lost in the shadows.  

"Jimin!!" The said man jumped at the shout and missed the target. Annoyed, he turned around to see Taehyung.

"What?!" His best friend looked irritated as he took the gun from Jimin's hand and slammed it on the table.

"I've been calling your name for almost a minute now" Taehyung sighed, "You received a message from Jihyun." 

Jimin knew this couldn't be good news, however he said nothing and he followed Taehyung to his office upstairs. The others were waiting for him already. Jimin went to his computer and opened the email. A video had been sent. 

When he pressed play, his heart instantly dropped. Yoongi was tied to a chair, half naked, with Jihyun with him. 

Jungkook pressed his face in Taehyung's chest, not wanting to see his brother in this state. At last, he left the room when Yoongi's cries and pleas were heard. 

Jimin soon closed the video. The room was dead silent, everyone was shocked with what they had seen. 

Jimin cursed and punched the wall several times until Taehyung and Hoseok restrained him. The mafia boss felt like he had been stabbed several times. The sight of his lover in pain brought tears to his eyes. 

That night, Jimin didn't get a wink of sleep. He went to the gym in the basement and pounded the punching bag relentlessly. The fire of rage burned high inside of him, begging to be released. 

Two lost souls reached for each other in the dark, longing to be reunited once again. 

Hey, hey, hey! I'm sorry to break your poor little hearts like this! Unfortunately this is only the beginning. I still hope you liked this chapter. Vote or comment your opinion as always!


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