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The devil held me in his clutches

-BTS, Boy meets Evil 


Yoongi walked on the sidewalk to reach the spot were he was supposed to meet the 'customer'. He was constantly looking over his shoulder as biting his bottom lip nervously. In one of his pockets he was holding a gun, only increasing his nerves. He had considered it necessary, because if the deal went wrong, the boss would have his head, or worse, his brother's head.

He finally reached a dark alley, which was only illuminated by the lights coming from the street. He paced back and forth on the concrete, his thoughts going to the contents in his backpack. 

Yoongi had been waiting for about an hour now, and he could hear his heart beating in his ears. If he came back with the drugs and no money, the boss would surely kill him. It didn't matter if the guy didn't show up, the blame would still fall on his shoulders. 

The sound of shoes hitting the concrete stopped Yoongi's train of thoughts. He turned around to see a dark figure approaching him. As the person came closer, Yoongi acknowledged the long black coat he wore along with shiny shoes. This was clearly not his client.

"W-who are you?" Yoongi couldn't distinguish the man's face since his back was blocking the light, only heightening his distress.

"You're coming with me." Without even realizing it, Yoongi drew the gun from his pocket, pointing it on the stranger. His hands were shaking badly and his heavy intakes of breath could be heard clearly into the dark night.

"Don't come any closer! O-or I'll shoot you!" The man only chuckled. They both knew he was lying.

"Now, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. You choose." Yoongi hesitated for a second and then thought about Jungkook, waiting for him to come back. 

"I'm not coming with you." The stranger was now inches away from him, and Yoongi was still holding the gun in front of him. In a flash, the man knocked the weapon out of his hands and grabbed him into a headlock. 

A cloth was pressed onto Yoongi's nose and mouth, and he knew all too well what this meant. He tried to struggle and loosen the man's grip, but he was too strong. Eventually, his instincts got the better of him and he was forced to breath in the chloroform. Yoongi's body became weak as he attempted to keep his eyes open.  

Finally, he gave up and slipped into unconsciousness as his body went limped into the stranger's arms.

Yoongi's eyes slowly fluttered open, his blurry vision revealing nothing much but a dangling yellow light. A metallic door could be seen directly in front of him, illuminated slightly by the light.

When his sight had adjusted to the dark, Yoongi tried to stand on his feet but was forced to sit back down. He was tied down by his ankles and wrists on a solid chair that appeared to be screwed in the concrete floor. 

Yoongi was not stupid. He knew it would be useless to scream for help considering the kind of people he was dealing with. He had guessed that they were far more important than a simple gang looking for revenge considering the attire of the man who had captured him.

Yoongi cursed loudly, tears of frustration filling his eyes. His brother was probably worried sick by now, only because he was foolish enough to do the dirty work of a scumbag. Unfortunately, it was the only job who could provide enough money to pay for Jungkook's treatments.

Yoongi had to come to terms with the fact that he wouldn't get out of here soon. And so, he waited for god knows how long before the door creaked open, revealing a dark silhouette who appeared to be a man.

When he stepped forward into the light, Yoongi was quite startled by the attractive features that he harbored. His sharp nose complimenting an angular face, while his almond eyes were staring at Yoongi with a cold expression.

"What do you want from me?" Taehyung didn't respond, and instead went to one corner of the room to drag a chair which Yoongi hadn't notice up until now. Taehyung placed the seat with a bang in front of the captive and sat with his legs on either side of it, his arms crossed on the top.

"I'm the one asking the questions here." Taehyung grabbed a shiny-looking knife out of his pocket and twisted it between his fingers, without tearing his eyes from Yoongi.

"So, who's your boss?" Yoongi bit his bottom lip, looking down at the ground.

"I can't tell you." Taehyung sighed, clearly not wanting to be here.

"Look, if you don't give me a name I'll make sure you die a painful death. If you cooperate, you'll be dead in a blink. What do you choose?" 

Of course, they both knew that if Yoongi gave a name he will end up dead anyway, because everyone in this kind of business lived by the motto 'snitches get stitches'. Only this wasn't about Yoongi.

"I don't care if I die! But they'll go after my brother if I tell you what I know." Taehyung stayed silent for a while, debating his options. Without any more words, he rose from his seat and exited the room, leaving Yoongi alone once again.

Ten minutes later, he returned with another man who held a powerful aura. Yoongi knew he was the kind of guy you don't mess with.

When Yoongi saw the man's face, he gasped in shock. Park Jimin, the Kingpin of the Busan Mafia, was standing in front of him with a cocky smirk.

"I'm sure you already know who I am." Yoongi didn't utter a word.

"The man you work for stole something from me, and I intend to have repayment. Now you're going to give the name, or your brother die." His blood ran cold. The door opened once again and Yoongi was left speechless.

Two men were holding Jungkook by his arms, and the latter started to cry when he saw his brother tied down. Fear could be clearly seen in Jungkook's eyes, a person who wasn't supposed to be involved in this.

"So, you're willing to talk now?"

And so our two main characters meet each other! It may take a while before we really enter in the plot of the story because I need to set the tone, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless :) Vote or comment your opinion!

Question: Do you watch documentaries about serial killers? ( I enjoy it sooo much!)


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