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When I told Vanna about what was to transpire, the first thing she said was, "You need to fuck him." My jaw dropped, not expecting her to say that out of the many ways she could have reacted. I expected an argument. I expected her to yell at me for taking her to Italy and then ditching her to go to Romania with some guy, not for her to tell me that we needed to bang. "It's the perfect opportunity!" Vanna exclaimed, "Romania's such a romantic place!" "We're going to meet his brothers, who are 85% positive that they want to kill him," I said, still struggling to comprehend what she said, "I think whatever chance for romance was there originally died." "Romance is what you make of it," Vanna started packing her suitcase and I moved to sit on her bed.

Outside, Tom and Sebastian were talking quietly to each other. I kicked Tom out of the bedroom after about two hours of him and Vanna "reconnecting". I couldn't take being around Sebastian after our conversation so I packed my clothes, cleaned my room, and cleaned the rest of the Airbnb, refusing Sebastian's multiple offers of help. To be honest, I needed the help. Even though I couldn't remember much of the trip, it was very apparent that Vanna and I were very messy when we were sad. But I was cleaning in order to not think about Sebastian or to say anything I didn't want to be said.

"So you're okay with you and Tom going to Prague?" I asked, sitting criss cross applesauce on the bed. Vanna took her clothes off the hangers while nodding vehemently. "Lola, I'm more than okay with this. You don't need to worry about me, I'll be in good hands," she pointed a hanger at me, "You, however, need to call me at least once a day so I know you didn't get kidnapped or stabbed or whatever it is that mafia people do."

"Scout's honor," I placed my hand over my heart and laughed. There was a knock on the door before it opened and Tom's head popped in. "Lola, are you ready to go?" he asked and Vanna and I shared a glance. Even though we were both fine with the situation, it was still the first time we were going to be separated in years. I knew that we were going to reunite in a week or two, but my God was it going to feel like forever. We broke from the glance and I nodded toward Tom, standing up from the bed and brushing myself off. "As ready as I can be," I said and before I left the bedroom, I scampered to Vanna and hugged her tightly for a good five minutes.

When I finally stood beside Tom, he lowered his voice, "Be careful, okay? Call if you need anything." He then handed me a slip of paper with his phone number on it. I put it in the pocket of my hoodie before I hugged him as well, catching him by surprise. "If I find out you hurt Vanna in any shape, way, or form I will use your balls as a Christmas ornament," I whispered in his ear before letting go. Tom's eyes were widened and he was either frightened or amused by my threat.

I then turned from Tom and saw Sebastian, who was holding my suitcase. Slowly, I walked toward him and timidly claimed the suitcase. "After you," Sebastian opened the door for me and I exited the Airbnb. Outside the steps of the place was a black car that reminded me of the one Tom drove. There was no driver which led me to the understanding that Sebastian was to drive. He opened the trunk and I threw the suitcase in. I closed the trunk and got into the passenger side of the car, suddenly very nervous for the car ride to the airport.

Sebastian slid into the driver's seat and started the car. As we pulled away from the Airbnb, I watched as Vanna and Tom faded from view. They were practically one person, with his hand around her waist and her head on his shoulder. For as much as I joked about their relationship, a part of me envied it. They were so unafraid to fall into each other. Then again, they didn't start off pretending to be utterly devoted to one another in order to not be killed. They also knew how they felt for each other, unlike some of us.

Whereas the car ride would have been filled with conversation, banter, and me insulting him, it was quiet. I looked down at my lap, playing with the hair tie on my wrist, listening to the music on the radio. It was my fault that the car ride was silent. I left. I destroyed what trust we had toward each other. I left him for dead and he didn't even think of laying a hand on me or coming up with some scheme to get me back. But now we couldn't talk to each other like we used to, and I sort of thought that was worse.

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