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Right in the cafe where she worked I watch as she served customers none stop. I wouldn't say that I am a stalker but she fascinates me , this girl had me lurking around just to even get a glimpse of her. I can't let the other gang members know because they will use her as leverage to get to me. I called my right hand man Patrick and tell him to keep tabs on her for me because I had business to attend to. I took one last glance at her before I walked out of the building and in my awaiting car.

"To the warehouse Rico"
"Yes sir,  right away"
Rico was my driver but he was also like family to me because my dad took him in and raise him up like his own.
My mind kept wondering back to her, she was just an average girl but something about her drew me in from the first time I laid eyes on her in the supermarket. I was captivated by her beauty that I even lost one of my biggest shipment deals.

After going to the warehouse and taking care of my 'business' I went back to my condo and took a shower before heading to the cafe to see 'my girl'.
Yes, she will soon be mine, just have to start off with the introductions then she will be in my bed screaming and moaning my name.

I may sound selfish and arrogant but Tristan gets what Tristan wants and no one can stop me. When I parked outside the cafe I saw that they were about to close so I rushed out of my vehicle and reach the door just in time.

She was cleaning a table with her back turned.
"We're closing " she said
Her voice was like rhythm to my ears

"I just want a cup of coffee, I've had a rough day" I smile sheepishly as she stopped then slowly turned around.

" OK do you want it black ?"
"Yes please that's how I like it".
I watched as she carefully poured it into the cup, she looks beautiful.

" here is your coffee sir"
I took out a five dollar and told her to keep the change but she insisted on me having that one free.
I took my coffee and drank it slowly while still watching her.

"We will close now sir"
"OK thanks again for serving me"
She had the most beautiful smile, I got lost in her beauty that I didn't hear her say your welcome. I swear this girl has me smitten but I will never admit that to anyone not even myself.

I walked back to the car with my smile glistening like the moon light.
“Boss is inlove ” my driver Rico sang and laughed at me. He was my driver but he was like my bestfriend at the sametime, he knew when to joke around but otherwise he has to be professional in the presence of others.

I just smiled to myself.

She finally closed up and was at the street light trying to get a cab. Her demeanor was so fucking amazing that I felt aroused just by staring at her petite appearance.

Wow! I couldn't even think straight, I so badly wanted to go over there and offer a drive but that wouldn't go as planned and I don't want her negative answer to piss me off.
Finally she got a cab and I followed her home and watch her enter her tiny apartment safely before heading to my condo.

“Rico, phone Rachel I need to get this girl off my mind”
“ok boss”

Rachel was my paid slut so I called her whenever I feel like. But every stroke,I thought of her,her face was stuck in my mind. This girl is going to drive me crazy if I don't hurry and get her in my bed.

I finally sent rachel home because I couldn't bare the sight of her anymore. Immediately after I fell into a deep slumber.

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