Chapter 12

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Madi's P.O.V

I started teaching him the routine.

"Why am I teaching you anyway?" I asked. I was not at all being polite

"I'm going to be in Matty's cover for boyfriend. So I'm guessing this is the dance we are doing" Justin said

"Your shitting me. Matty is doing a cover to this shitty song" I rolled my eyes

"I don't think he's that good of a singer, I don't know why i agreed to do this" he said rolling his eyes

"Excuse me? Um Matty is probably a way better singer then you, I mean he may sound somewhat like a girl but he can't sing as high as you can. And you don't even intentionally sing high it's just your gay ass voice! Plus Matty may not be all about the looks now but that's because he is 12 , once he is 15 he will be way past you and you'll be the new lady gaga, you know the person who was famous then someone better came by. So if I were you I would shut you mouth" I said

"Wow why are getting so defensive of Matty I mean are guys dating" he laughed

"HES MY FUCKING BROTHER!" I screamed at him

His eyes widened and went normal

"Sorry" he said

"Yeah" was all I said and walked out of the room

"What did he do to make you mad?" Thew noticed me while he was coming back from his hour class.

"I'm not going near Justin anymore. He was making fun of Matty. And you can teach him the rest" I said

"See actually Madi I wanted you to teach him cause your also gonna be in the video. Matty wanted you in the video" he said

"Well it's nice of Matty but I don't want to be in a video with a douchebag" I said

"You have no choice , Matty already agreed to everything that you are positively doing it, plus it's to late to get someone else and teach them the routine"

"Ugh" I sighed and went back into the studio.

"That's good for today I'll teach you the rest tomorrow" I said walking out and getting in the car and waiting for Matty to come out. Sometimes I take him home and sometimes dad takes him home.

"Hey" Matty said getting in the car

"So when were you gonna tell me" I asked

"What?" He asked

"About me being in your cover" I said

"Oh yeah" he said and looked the other way

"Umm" I said

"Sorry I wanted to tell you sooner but um I didn't know how" he said

"Well Matty I would have said yes I'm glad you want me to be a part of something you love but really, a fucking Justin Bieber song" I said

"Yeah" he said

"I have to teach Justin the dance moves to it" I said

"Really he already came! Aw man I want to meet him" he said

"He's a douchebag Matty, he doesn't even think your that good at singing" I said

"Well that sucks, but I'm used to it. All the hate, I just push it away. Even if Justin doesn't like me it's gonna raise my popularity. I know that sounds rude that I'm just using Justin for fame but once I get up there I'm there, I'm living my dream, I just need this video and I don't even know I could be going on tours" Matty said

"Well I guess if it helps you I'll suck it up and get threw it" I said

"Thanks Madi" he said

"Yeah well let's get home" I said and started the car.

Then justin walked out of the studio and saw me in the car and smiled and waved.

I have him a nice sweet smile and the middle finger, the smile just made it a little more mean and awkward at the same time.

"That was mean" Matty said

"Yeah well suck it up" i said and we went home


I was here again teaching Justin this stupid routine. It was the most retarded thing I have ever done.

"That's it for today" I said and grabbed my water bottle and bag

"Hey Madi I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?" He asked

"Um hell no" I answered

"Why, it's not like we are dating" he said

"I know but I don't want to" I said "if you noticed I don't really like you" I said with a sweet smile which made it more creepy

I went home and yeah. Ate some food. Pretty much.

Then I got a text

?- hey
M- who is this?
M- how did you get my number
J- matt
M- my brother
J- no matt Steffanina
M- I'm going to yell at him
J- wanna hang?
M- didn't I already tell you no
J- so maybe you changed your mind
J- I wanted you to teach me the routine, I'm so confused
M- I doubt that cause you are a perfectly fine dancer cause you have to in you videos so, stop lying to get me to come over
J- no really I'm so fused
M- fine I'll be over

Then I texted Taylor and Sami ... Who are fans of Justin Bieber

S- hay
T- ay
M- come over now
T- coming !

"HAY!" Sami yelled

"AY" Taylor yelled

"We are going to Justin's house he bugged me to come so let's go" I said

"Justin who?" They asked

"Bieber" I said

They looked at each other. "AHHHHH"

"Can me and Jocie come?" Matt asked

"Why not" I said and we went to Justin's house

We showed up and he was surprised that I brought people

"I never said you could bring people" Justin said

"Well you never said i couldn't" I said

He just rolled his eyes

"Let's get to work" I said

"What?" He said

"The routine" I said

"Oh" he said and we did the routine.

Matt also did it with us cause I was teaching Matt the routine too. I mean duh it's for his video.

So all three of us did it together while Taylor sang to the song and Sami decided to record.

We went home and Sami and Taylor stayed over.

Justin kept texting me but I ignored him.

I texted luke instead

I miss Luke already.


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Sorry haven't updated in awhile I have so many books😂
Btw go read my new book I started with my friend Adi 👌
Her user is @awesome_80
Love you guys 😘

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