Mammon x (Gender Neutral)Reader💛

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WONDERFUL art by szainx on Twitter!! <3

1102 words

Requested by the first person to ever request something :D

During the chaotic everyday dinner, I stared at my plate, eating either slowly or with no hesitation. Reason being, I was upset. Mammon was going on about some joke of an idea he had that would probably get him in debt with some witches. That didn't upset me though, but the brother's responses would.

First, Asmo made a face of 100 percent absolute total disgust, like he was offended by the fact that Mammon was his brother. "Ugh, do you have any GOOD ideas going through your brain, Mammon?"

"Lololol," followed by Levi. "You think he has a brain? No way!"

Satan and Beel barely dignified Mammon with a glance up from their plates and an eye roll. I crossed my arms and bit my tongue while my blood boiled. Not even Beel showed sympathy?

Belphie raised his hand to his chest and scoffed while names like "scum," "moron," or anything else rolled around the room.

This time around, Mammon didn't even reply with the usual, "Oi! Respect your older brother!" He just sat there, not even noticing the names anymore. Even though Mammon sat at the other side of the table, I swear he could've heard my heart crack from there from his disinterest of trying anymore.

So I'm doing something about this!! Before Lucifer could add anything worse, I rose from my seat and slammed my cutlery on the table. But that wasn't loud enough. I was seething.

"SHUT UP! NOW!" The room fell silent and everybody stared at me like I killed someone. "What are you DOING?! Can you just let him breathe without insulting him?! You're are all rotten to your brother and you know damn well that he doesn't deserve it!"

Some of the brother's mouths were hanging open from shock. It felt amazing to finally tell them off. I continued to call them out and told them that Mammon is a sweet brother that has helped them all out multiple times before. I "earned" a light chuckle from Asmo, but my scowl shut him up real quick.

I kept shouting at them while I walked over to Mammon. "Do I REALLY need to use our pact to make you be nice to your brother? That's pathetic!"

Mammon, still sitting down, looked up at me with puppy eyes that brought me back from my yelling. I mistook his expression for fear, but realized that he was surprised I spoke up.

"Um, are you finished eating..?" I asked and held out my hand, a little embarrassed that everyone was still watching us.

Mammon's POV

What the frickity frack just happened.

I was reluctant to take their hand, but... I told them I was done with my supper and took their hand anyways. Am I blushing? Ugh, probably. This is stupid, but I needed to give my human a hug really badly. This time I didn't care if my brothers were there or not, and once we stopped hugging, we headed to my room for some space. Wink wink. Wait nO NOT WINK WINK WHa-

Your POV

We sat on Mammon's couch and he hugged me close. I've never felt this kind of warmth before, so I sighed.

"Mammon, I don't know if you want me to apologize for yelling but they deserved that." I muttered, holding his hand in mine and squeezing it. "You're not stupid. You're really nice!"

His eyes widened with surprise, but soon his expression twisted into a soft smile. I felt my face get hot when I saw his cute blushing.

In hopes to get more redness out of his face, I went on, "you're sweet and your smile is... uh..." I lost focus, only now noticing how close we are and that we were holding hands the whole time! Am I dumb, I literally squeezed his hand a second ago-

"My smile?" Mammon chuckled and beamed at me, eager for me to continue. 

"Your smile is really cute."

We both shared a silent moment, smiling at each other. My heart sank into his pretty blue eyes that faded into yellow. Our faces were so close we could almost...

"Mm!" I hummed as Mammon himself pushed his lips onto mine. I melted into the kiss and my want for this kiss doubled my want to breathe apparently, because we forgot about breathing, oops. Once we caught our breath, I broke the space between us for one more swift kiss.

Freaking finally, Mammon said these words to me: "I really like ya, y/n. Wait, no- I love you so much!"

I couldn't help but giggle. "You said it with your whole chest-"

"Stoppp!! C'mon, say it back!"

"Yes," I tried to get a serious face and put myself together, but I ended up just smiling. "I love you too, Mammon."


Ah... I woke up to Mammon holding me like a stuffed animal, the sun shining through the window, Lucifer standing next to the bed Mammon and I were cuddling in.

Wa i t. There's no sun in the Devildom. I forgot. Also, Lucifer scared the living hell out of me.

"WhAt thE- Lucifer?!" I covered myself with blankets to hide. But he said nothing, so I peeked back at him. This time I saw the brothers standing behind Lucifer, and they all looked confused. Except for Asmo, he called it apparently.

That's when Mammon woke up and held me closer to him, speaking up. "Eh? What?"

"We're sorry, Mammon." Everyone mumbled simultaneously. I almost got a little upset at their meaningless apology, but they continued.

"You're a good older brother. I appreciate your efforts and that you always distract Lucifer." That was Belphie.

"Mammon, thank you for the times you've bought me food! I know you don't like spending your money..." Beel. Is this in order?

"My dear brother, you look stunning when you model for magazines! I want to show you some angles that might look nice for you~" Asmo, of course.

"Tch. Thanks for looking after us sometimes." Wow, okay Satan.

"Mammon! I like playing video games with you and y/n!" Levi, that's cute.

Oh, next would be Lucifer, yes? Not sure what he'd say.

"Mammon," Lucifer started. That's exciting. "I'm proud of you."

Everyone was looking at Mammon now, even me. His face lit up, his small smile still being able to touch his eyes. "Well, thank you..."

To hide, Mammon snuggles close to me and uses me as kind of a shield stuffed animal thingy. I don't know, but I loved it.

Asmo starts to push everyone out of the room saying, "Ara Ara~ Let's leave them alone."

And the door is shut.

I cuddle with Mammon, pressing a small kiss on his lips. He looks peaceful, but also like he just won the jackpot. I never wanna leave this spot.


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