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~Dream's POV~

After sending Techno after Skeppy and Bad I lie back looking at the stars from my secret base thinking about if Techno took it the wrong way when I said "find them and take care of them" I see a message pop up from Bad.



wdym I told him to take care of you


kill u I meant him look after you... OH NO

I rush on to teamspeak and spam techno to join.

What I'm cooking potatoes


Huh ohhhh I did didn't I?

Bad said you were trying to kill them

Omg I shot and arrow with a note them they took off after I said I was calling in the favor

Techno ugh they thought you shot at them

Oops my bad I'll tell them what I mean't to do but I must ask...


Why was your favor to look after them

Because if anything happens to Bad he might tell everyone where I am..
Goodbye now

I see a new message pop up from Bad.

Techno explained sorry Dream

I sigh and fall asleep under the stars.


I sigh knowing that he wasn't trying to kill us and I nudge Skeppy awake. "Skeppy wake up I need to tell you something." "mmm?" "Techno wasn't trying to kill us he was trying to look after us the arrow was a note." he jumps up and looks to his left completely ignoring what I just said "shush I hear something" sure enough we hear voices "I can't believe Skeppy ran I mean seriously if he wants to look for Bad he could of told us and not have Sam drag us out here in the middle of the night." "Tommy stop your whining I see something" the figure says as he crouches down "lemme just move this grass" "honestly your power freaks me out" I look at Skeppy and we know who it is now "if Tommy and Ranboo find us we're busted" "need a hand?" I hear a voice as a axe handle dangles outside the hole for us to clinb up on. "thanks" Skeppy says and we climb out to see Techno holding the axe. "Come on this way" We push through trees and come to a secret base that Techno must of made. "you can sleep here if your still tired." he gestures us to a small room with 2 beds against the walls. I immediately fall asleep as Skeppy also climbs into his bed and whispers goodnight to me before falling asleep too. I get awa
Oken by the sun shining on my face and realise it's noon. I look over and see Skeppy's bed is empty then I feel a pressure around me. Skeppy was cuddled up against my back clutching my hoodie and sleeping peacefully. I chuckle to my self and carefully wake him up. "Hey sleepyhead wake up its noon" "noo Bad I don't wanna move" he almost choked me as he pulled me closer by my hoodie. "Skeppy we're fugitives we have to move" "no Techno will protect us and you will protect mee." He whines "fine can I atleast get some food?" "mk hurry though" he let's go of me and I carefully get up and make my way to a chest Techno marked anything you should need. I open it and find 2 poles (stacks) of steaks and I pick them up and walk back. Techno walks in and startles me "finished cuddling with your boyfriend now?" "WHAT?! TECHNO WE ARE JUST FRIENDS AND HE WAS SCARED! Plus it's only canon not real" He laughs and walks away satisfied with my reaction. I groan and walk back to Skeppy. Just friends right? Only canon right? I look at him and see his face glow in the sun and smile to myself. "Here's some food Geppy" "What were you shouting about?" "uhh just annoyed at Techno, the usual." seemingly satisfied with my answer he goes back to eating before saying "If your wish was to have me I'm all yours." I blush then realise what I was doing. No no no no it's only canon. Only canon. Then why do I feel like I like him? I see my chat going crazy spamming skephalo and I groan then something catches my attention. "YES WE GOT HIM!!" huh? I look outside and see people standing in a feild surrounding Dream. "Hey Techno! I bet he was wishing he could call in the favor now." I hear a chuckle "he's on his own now as for you two go back you won't be hurt" I look at Skeppy and he nods. We both know know they have Dream they won't need to harm me.

After getting back

~Skeppy's POV~

"GUYS I'M BACK I FOUND BAD!" I scream and see Ant and Tommy running towards us. "hey you found him great." Ant looks at Bad them looks back at me and his eyes freeze. He looks down in between us and I follow his gaze. AHH I was holding Bads hand! I drop it then glare at Ant. "not. A. Word" I walk back to the meeting room and see everyone looking at me with relief and looking at Bad with sadness. They must know what Dream did to Bad. I look to my left and see George sobbing on the corner holding Dream's mask. I walk over to him and tell him everything with be OK. "George don't worry we know he is your best friend. There must be an explanation to why he's doing this." "thanks it's just he's been sentenced to death and... And... He only has one life left." everyone stops talking and looks over. "oh no your right of we kill him he'll die completely." Sam looks horrified because after all he is our friend and we need him for the lore in the future. What will we do then. We rush over to the prison and see Punz is already preparing. "STOP!!" Everyone yelled at him. "We can't kill Dream it's his last life." Tommy blurts out. Punz drops the redstone he's holding and immediately runs to break the machine he built. "I'm sorry I forgot." "it's not your fault Punz." Sam says comforting him as George rushed over to the cell Dream is in "thank god you're safe" "ofc gogy I never doubted you... simp" he said the last part so quietly on George heard it. I guess that's what he said by the reaction on George's face.


Don't worry they will confess sooooon haha you'll have to find out

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