Chapter 2

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He wondered why it hurt so much.

He wondered why he couldn't just let go.

Above all, he wondered why, in order for Sasuke to find pure love, he had to suffer the brunt of loneliness and heartbreak. Couldn't there have been some other way for both of them to be happy?

This sorrow was eating him from the inside - consuming every fiber of his being.

Why can't you see me suffering, Sasuke?

It was quite funny, – how he had actually thought that he had a chance with Sasuke. Seeing him with Sakura made him sad – of course - but there was this optimistic part of his brain that kept reminding him that it was all for the greater good.

All he thought about nowadays was Sasuke.

And sometimes about how worthless he himself was.

How lonely.

How Ugly.

How unwanted.

Sasuke would never love someone like him.

That was the simple truth.

And now he had to learn to accept it.

Can I really accept it?

He felt the tears stinging his eyes..,

I love you so much Sasuke.

He fell back on to his Bed, allowing the tears to cascade down his whiskered cheeks

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