❀Chapter Two❀

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A month passed by in no time, it was finally spring and Katsuki was on his way to Izuku's cafe. Yeah the blonde had becoming a regular there. The man only wanted to be served by Izuku, he came by in afternoon at exactly 12 o'clock everyday for his lunch. The rumour about 'hot guy visiting his boyfriend at work' surrounded among the customers and workers there.

The rumour wasn't quiet wrong, but also not quiet right. First of all Katsuki never confessed to Izuku and the little one never asked him out about it either. They just enjoyed the flow of their ambiguous relationship.

Katsuki ever heard a whisper about how he was Izuku's sugar daddy. But the man never even gave him money, sure he gave him affection like a boyfriend would do though. Taking Izuku to a date, walking him home everyday after his shift, sometimes coming by his apartment to cuddle. He also never touched Izuku in that kind of way. But he always made sure everyone knew Izuku was his and if anyone ever touched or messed with him, they would face death.

The more Katsuki got to know Izuku, the more he had fallen for the younger one. Izuku was a kind, cheerful, and lovely boy. He always put Katsuki at ease and made him feel at home. Izuku gave him the love he never really got from anyone else. The vigilante was the one getting attached to Izuku now.

"Sleep nerd, you have to work early tomorrow." Katsuki brushed Izuku's hair as the petite one was cuddled on his lap.

"Mm~ but Kacchan..~ I'm gonna miss you so much!"

A soft whine escaped the greenette's plump lips. Katsuki couldn't resist that honestly, he pressed a gentle peck on his head before carrying him to his bed. Ah, looking back he did spend money for Izuku, buying him some new plushies to make the younger happy. He didn't understand why the male liked them so much but Katsuki found himself took a liking of a sight of Izuku surrounded in soft plushies.

"Silly, I come to meet you everyday."

"And I still miss you everyday, do you not miss me, Kacchan?" Asked Izuku while holding a pink bunny plush, doe eyes looking at him while his lips formed into a pout.

Fucking lord—

The blonde groaned before pushing Izuku on his bed, kissing the younger's lips passionately as his hand rubbed on his waist. Tongue pushing inside the other's mouth easily, tangling with his tongue as he heard Izuku moaned underneath him. He bit and tugged gently on Izuku's lower lip, voicing in a husky tone, "Don't test my patience, Izuku."

The greenette mewled upon hearing his lover's deep tone, hands clinging around the older's neck as he pulled him closer.

"K-kacchan.. Have you been wanting to touch me?" Izuku asked.

Katsuki caressed his freckled cheek, gently thumbing the skin in circle motion while grinning at him.

"You—ever since when you are interested in that?"

"I-It's not like I never know about adult stuff! I am already 23!"

"Yeah? But you are still such a baby in my eyes." Katsuki leaned down to peck his lips again.

Izuku hummed at how sweet the older male was treating him, he never had anyone showering him with so much affection like Katsuki did. He never even had a boyfriend for he was such a diligent student back in school and college. He had no time for romance as he allowed himself to be a nerd of heroes tv show. Katsuki was his first . . . . lover.

"Ssh, now sleep. I'll pick you up in the morning, but I can't walk you home tomorrow. I have another mission."

Katsuki told him as he stroked Izuku's curls, trying to drift the cute male into sleep. He knew it was working when his eyelids fluttered slowly, falling down in no time.

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