❀Chapter Three❀

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Upon arriving at Katsuki's home—a big mansion painted in black and white since he liked that minimalistic vibe—he was greeted by several men guarding the place as he brought Izuku inside rather rushed.

Yeah, he needed to take care of Izuku in private. It was because along the way, Izuku had been writhing and starved for Katsuki's touch. He learned that Izuku was drugged by the illegal stuff he had been trying to investigate. Fucking bastard dared to drug his lover.

Izuku also felt pain in his stomach for some reason and it made Katsuki worried the drug had some side effect. He wasn't sure so before he got inside his room, he brought Izuku to his private doctor to get him checked up.

"He is alright. But since the drug seemed strong, he might need to 'release' few times so the effect will fade."

Hearing that Katsuki entered the room, laying Izuku on his bed. The young one had been clinging to him, whining to his ear like a kitten. It took Katsuki so much just to keep his sanity.

"Shh.. It's okay, Deku. I'm here, I'll help you."

He eased the greenette by rubbing his back, showering him with soft kisses on his face. Izuku moaned at the affection, heart beating louder as his Kacchan touched his feverish skin.


Big doe eyes covered in lust looked straight at him and Katsuki's pants just got tighter seeing the sight. He sighed softly before kissing Izuku's plump lips, nipping at the upper one as he licked it. Gentle yet full of passion for his man.

"Deku we can't do it all the way when you are like this. I don't want you to forget our first time."

Katsuki said while his hand already reaching to hold Izuku's hard length, rubbing it slowly as the small one let a loud moan out.

"My pretty baby.. It's okay, cum for me.."

His lips met with red bruised ones once again as he pumped the leaking cock, feeling Izuku jolted as he came on his hand. Tears running down on his cheeks, feeling a bit dizzy.

"Hah.. ah... Kacchan.."

His tiny hands clutched on Katsuki's shirt, pulling him close to feel his warmth.

"Thank you for saving me.."

The blonde hugged him tight upon hearing it, giving a sweet peck on Izuku's temple saying, "It's my job to protect you, I'm sorry for coming late."


Izuku shaked his heads as he snuggled more into Katsuki's chest, "You protected me Kacchan.. I'm so happy you came for me."

A smile tugged on the corner of Katsuki's lips, nothing could ever make him happier than being with Izuku. Hearing his voice and looking at his smile. Making him happy was all that Katsuki wanted to do from then on.

Just to make sure the drug had worn off of Izuku's body, Katsuki took care of the younger's orgasms few times before the said one fell asleep. He cleaned the cum off his body with a wet towel and dressed him up in his shirt and pants.

Red eyes gazed upon his lover, amused by how beautiful he looked even when sleeping. Digits carefully combing soft green curls as he smiled before planting a soft kiss on Izuku's forehead.

The clock ticked to 4 am yet his eyes weren't showing a sign of exhaustion, opposite of that, fiery flame danced behind those orbs. His sweet facade fell and he was back to the deathly leader of the vigilante group.

Katsuki got up from the bed, leaving the greenette to rest as he headed outside of the room. Black oxfords clacking on the tile as he called someone.

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