Getting ready for work

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William wasn't a big fan of waking up early, he always had trouble waking up because of how late he goes to sleep.

William slowly got up out of bed trying not to wake up his wife, William adored wife so much he would give her anything she wanted and would even get jealous if any male tried to flirt with her but she always told him not to worry and that she would love him forever no matter what.

After William got up he grabbed his uniform that he was required to wear for work.

He hopped in the cold shower and washed himself.

Once he got out he quickly put on his uniform and headed down stairs.

When he got down stairs he set up the coffee maker and made some toast.

While he was waiting for his food to be finished he started to fix his messy black hair.

A/N: Hello to everyone reading this! Yes I know I said I wasn't gonna post the other parts until I was done with the whole thing but I just couldn't wait! Also it might not make sense but once I post the other parts you'll start to get it! Anyways that's all I wanted to say for now. Bye Bye!

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