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Just as he was about to get his coffee and toast his children all came running into the kitchen.

"Oh great here we go." William mumbled to himself

"DADDY!" Screamed the little boy while running into the kitchen

"Yes Christopher?" William said silently

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL DAD" Another boy yelled while running into kitchen

"Chris don't listen to michael, what did he do?" William asked

"He-" Chris tried to talk until another voice came into the kitchen

"Daddy Micheal scared Chris again!" the little girl yelled while walking into the kitchen

William hummed as he went to set breakfast on the table

"You know what, I don't have time for this, just sit and eat. I'm already late for work." william said

"But daddy Micheal!-" The little girl yelled

"QUIET!" William yelled louder while walking out of the house and slamming the door.

William sighed as he started the car and headed to work as he was already an hour late.

A/N: I'm really sorry if it looks bad I'm on a computer so I can't tell if it looks good or not. Anyways here's the new chapter, sorry if it doesn't make sense I'm trying to make all the chapter fast because tomorrow I have school. Well that's all! Bye bye! 

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