NT:DU - Chapter 2

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new chappy everyone!


Chapter 2

Kayila's P.O.V

We have been sitting here for more than an hour and Sashi-sensei still hasn't turned up. It's not the first time she has been late to training; when we were assigned our team we waited two hours for her to turn up. I have never known someone to be this lazy.

Hana is being so annoying and won't stop giving me tough remarks. I am pretty much sick of the sound of her voice, even though I know she has a good reason for being like this. She is unwanted, and this is the only way she can get people to notice her. I'd be like that if everyone knew about the demon I have. Aria looks at me with a face that can speak for itself:"why did we have to get put with the Nanasaki girl?"

"I honestly don't know Ria..." I tell her while holding my head, causing her to laugh even though I don't think it's true. From what I have heard, Hana Nanasaki has been troublesome from day one, it's no wonder Aria dislikes her so much.

"You still feel sympathetic for that brat!" dark me screeches in my ear, making me jump. I am just about to answer her when the metal gate wrenches open and Sashi-sensei walks in casually, her hands rested on her neck.

"Good morning children!" She greets us as she heads over to a tree and leans on it, her white hair trailing down to the floor. I listen for the sound of the demon's evil voice, but all I hear in my head is silence.

"Why are you late Sashi-sensei; again?" Hana moans, not bothering to return the greeting. To be honest, I wouldn't either.

"Pfft, I am not late again Hana," she denies, but we all know that's not true. We all look at her and cross our arms.

"Well," she begins, getting up from the tree."Maybe the last time I came I was a little late."

"A little!" I exclaim, pointing my finger at her face."You were two hour late Sashi-sensei!"

"Alright, in the future I will promise to try to be here on time" is her calm reply. Now shall we get some training started?" We line up in front of Sashi-sensei, eager to get some training done."This is how it's gonna work."


I see Aria suppress a snigger as she stuffs her face with noodles and pork."Mmm!" she moans, smirking at a grumpy blonde kunoichi who is currently tied to a tree."Raman has never tasted soo good!" I turn to Hana, who is literally drooling over the pork raman in Aria's hands. It is kinda her fault she doesn't have food. The reason why Sashi-sensei told us not to eat was because we had until twelve o'clock to steal those stupid bells from her to get lunch. Even though we didn't succeed, we still got something to eat. After all, Hana was the one who tried to eat during the test, so she can't eat now. Aria circles the bowl about a centimeter below Hana's mouth, allowing her to smell the food for not even a second before she pulls it away laughing. My demon joins in with her.

"Stop it!" I shout, thinking what I just said was in my head and addressed to the demon. When I look back up however, Aria and Hana are looking at me with stunned expressions on their faces. I twirl my noodles around my fork, bringing it near to Hana's mouth.

"No!" Aria exclaims,"don't do it!" I ignore her. I don't care about being sent back to the academy. I don't care about being dropped from the whole entire program; I only care about Hana's well-being. I see her eyeing the fork suspiciously, before I urge her to eat it.

"Go on," I say lightly, bringing the fork closer to her mouth. I see the confusion on her face when she reluctantly slurps the noodles.

"Mmm!" Hana closes her eyes, indulging herself in her favourite dish."Hey Kayila..." she begins, her mouth still full with food."Your hair... it's fully green again!" I take some of the ends of my hair and smile when I look at it. I overpowered my Dark Self. Me and Hana share a laugh, but Aria is still looking at us, speechless.

"You guys are in so much trouble," she manages to say, before flicking a spoon of pork at Hana. Fortunately for Hana, the pork landed near her mouth, making it easy for her to grab it with her tounge. I turn to Ria.

"I guess you're in trouble as well Ria," I laugh, wagging my finger at her smugly."After all, you gave her pork."

We jump out of our sitting position as a puff of smoke appears, and once it dissapears, it reveals an angry white haired Jõnin.

"You thought you could get away with this?!" Sashi-sensei screams, making us all sink onto the grass."Because now you... aren't going back to the academy."

"No please Sashi-sensei don't send us!.." Aria stops herself as she replays our sensei's words in her head."Huh?"

"Why aren't you sending us back to the academy?" I ask Sashi-sensei.

"Well I would..." she walks up to us and smiles."But since you disobeyed an order to not let Hana eat, you passed!"

"How did we pass when they disobeyed an order?!" the Nanasaki girl question, causing Sashi-sensei to sigh heavily.

"Because you put your teammates first, which showed me that as much as some of you don't want to admit it," she glances at Aria for a second, before carrying on," you do care for them. If you had left her with no food to it, that would make you more of a bad person than breaking an order would."

I nod firmly, finally understanding what she means. Hana smiles, obviously knowing what she is talking about. All Aria does is shrug off the whole situation; I have always wondered why she can never admit the truth..."Sashi-sensei," I begin, pointing to the bells on her waist."Where did you get those bells from?"

"That is classified information," she smirks, turning her back on us as she begins to walk away.

"What, just like your surname?" Aria sniggers.

"Uhu,"Sashi-sensei nods."Just like my surname..."


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Apolliana - Genin Kunoichi

Ninja Title: Demons Unleashed! KayilaWhere stories live. Discover now