Chapter 1

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"This is wonderful, amazing!" Eleonor thought sarcastically as she was still searching for something, a job offer, only to find out that she didn't qualify for any of the fifty something that she had already looked at, including the one she recently checked at.

She had finished her master's degree in economics and sustainability only to find out that getting a job as an immigrant was almost impossible (#dramaqueen). In all honesty, it wasn't like that, the real truth was that it didn't matter how well educated she was, the fact that she didn't have enough work experience was the real problem, adding a visa that was due to expire in less than six month and if she didn't found a job before that time came, then... well, jokes on her... she will have to leave the country and fly back to her homeland, something that she didn't want to endure.

Eleonor Smith was a peculiar person, she had beautiful copper redhair and beautiful blueish/greenish eyes, she didn't considered herself a fit person, gosh she was way far from that, it was hard to think on working out when your mind was in a thousand place at the same time it was nowhere, at least that how she felt. But ofcourse, it didn't help that she found more comfort in chocolate cakes and carrot cakes and in those wonderful salty goods than in the gym, not that she could afford one neither. She was... going through a hard time, let's put it that way. She was trying to stay optimistic though, to se the bright side on all of this, but it wasn't that easy, specifically for someone as control freak as she was.

Eleonor needed to know what was going to happen, what was happening and what had happened, she didn't like surprises, that was a fact, she was more a total control freak.

She closed her laptop and started to get her things from the library's table, she couldn't keep the search right now, she needed a break, and probably call someone, that someone meant her mom, one of the only person she keeps in contact with.  She had many friends, well not so many but those she had, where the real kind of friends, those she could keep month without talking with and then, out of nowhere, start a whole new conversation, as if a long time hasn't happened at all, those that she could count on and they could count on as well. Although the fact that she didn't know how to keep friends was also a mayor part of her lack on communication. She had suffered from bullying growing up in high school so for her it was hard to keep friends once she stopped seeing them every day.

To say she was socially awkward was an understatement, or so she thought of herself, she wasn't afraid of meeting people, of socializing or even going to the occasional party, it was more of keep in contact with people, she just couldn't find herself doing it.

As Eleonor gathered her things and headed to the exit of the library she toke her phone and earphones and started calling her mom, luckily she will answer her right away and she wouldn't have to be overthinking her current life situation. Lucky for her, her mom answered.

"Hey mom" she greeted.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Asked her mom.

"I'm ok, and you? How are things there? How is dad?"

"We are all good here, taking care of the little mischievous Lily" said her mom.

Lily was the new addition to the family, a stray kitty the family fell in love with. Eleonor's mom loved animals as well as her siblings and their father... well he didn't stand a chance.

"And how is she doing? I want to see some pictures!" Eleonor didn't know the kitty but she already loved her a lot, as well as the former family cat, Maxy, an eight years old cat that didn't enjoy being the only reciever of love from the family, he wasn't complaining thought, from the privilege of charing his home with the commoners (aka: Eleonor's family), but having to many people expressing  their love and appreciation in a physical way for him wasn't his cup of tea neither, so having "something" else to keep the commoners entertained was quite a relief for him. At least that's how Eleonor liked to explain it to her mom. "And how is Maxy felling about her?"

"I will send you some pictures later on and Maxy is just fine, a little grumpy but he will get over it sooner or later" her mom said.

"Well, we shall see mom..."

"Don't worry, he doesn't have an option now. And how is the search?"

'How is the search' the worst question ever for someone trying to take a break from the stressful and anxiety that the job search can only give.

"It's okay I guess, have been sending CV nonstop and have received some answers only to be declined or no answers at all... I'm kind of loosing hope right now if I'm been honest" confessed Eleonor.

"Don't lose hope sweetie, I'm sure something will come around anytime now"

"I'm not so sure anymore mom, it's like the harder I try the harder it gets, it's so maddening that I don't even know what to do" said Eleonor.

"I know Elly, I know. Have you considered maybe trying somewhere else?" Asked her mom.

"Somewhere else?... Like where?"

"Like outside Spain, if you have been trying and it's not getting you anywhere you want, try sending your CV to other countries as well, it could be inside Europe or outside, you have done many students exchange programs to know wich countries are best for you, besides what will you be losing by trying?" Said her mom.

"I don't know mom... I mean I didn't thought about it before"

"Well you think about it then, you have to try and find your own place and if Spain is not it, then you go and find it somewhere else" said her mom.

And this is why she always called her mom in time of desperation and need, her mom always enlighten her into a new path that she hadn't considered before.

"Sweetie your father is calling me, why don't you check it out and we will talk about it later on"

"Ok mom, I will think about it, love you"

"Love you to sweetie"

Eleonor didn't actually know what to do, for sure she didn't like Spain for the long term, she considered herself to much of an american city girl for the European lifestyle, she need the action, the workaholic environment, the stupidly high salaries and all the havoc that an american big city could only give her. Growing up she always knew that she wasn't made up for the peaceful life in an european city, she needed action, a little bit of craziness and the high condos she liked to watch videos about in YouTube, daydreaming only of the moment when she could call one home herself.

She was going to think about it... in fact she already had a country in mind. After all, wasn't her father himself that said that his children were citizens of the world, not the litle Caribbean island the called home, there world was full of wonders to see yet and she liked to think that the sky wasn't even the limit. So it was decided, she was going to expand her search, and who knows what might happen with that...


This is my first story ever, as I said I'm writing to help myself get through a difficult moment in my life and hopefully by doing it I will be able to create a community to help and support one another.

English is not my first language so if you think I should change a phrase or I'm not expressing myself correctly please feel free to advise me on it.

This is a place to help each other grow and become a better version of ourselves so please be kind in the comments.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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