How you guys met again

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okok im sorry for the late chapter ive been very very busy with school- i have 3 F's- so- yeah anyway on to the chapter (ALSO BEFORE I FORGET i forgot to mention this in previous chapters but for Kageyama you are Hinata's twin sister but hes older by a few seconds so-)


➷Shoyo Hinata➷
You guys met again at the same spot you first met this time it was on the weekend so you guys didn't have school

➷Tobio Kageyama➷
You guys met again inside of Coach Ukai's shop while you were buying meat buns for your brother

➷Kei Tsukishima➷
You guys met again because of the deal you made last time you saw him, with the newly baked strawberry short cake you bought for him

➷Tadashi Yamaguchi➷
You had learned that you were in the same class as him so you see him more often when you walk to and from class

➷Yuu Nishinoya➷
well... you're the manager.... you see him everyday....

➷Ryunosuke Tanaka➷
You guys met again when you got lost trying to find your way to the cafeteria

➷Koushi Sugawara➷
you guys are in the same class you basically see him everyday

➷Daichi Sawamura➷
You met him again when you went back to the gym another day to again watch your brother and he happened to be taking a small break, so he took that chance to have a small conversation with you

➷Asahi Azumane➷
You guys met again when you guys were in front of the gym because Suga forgot something in his locker and told you to wait there for him


➷Kuroo Tetsuro➷
You guys also met because you were in the same science class and he always and i mean ALWAYS asks you for help, but in reality he just wants to hear you talk

➷Kozume Kenma➷
You guys met at the same game stop when you wanted to buy a new game, and he was just looking around for anything he liked, and happened to see you

➷Morisuke Yaku➷
You guys met again because of Lev. He asked you if you wanted to meet his team and you said yes to make your brother happy. That's when you saw Yaku, You obviously remembered him from the first time you met, but he seemed to forgot.

➷Lev Haiba➷
You guys met again in the same spot, this time you saw that he needed help studying


➷Kotaro Bokuto➷
You guys met again when you were at your locker. He was walking with Akaashi as usual and recognized you, he ran up and started to thank you for when you both failed the test and Akaashi was trying to pry him out of the bear hug he was basically giving you

➷Keiji Akaashi➷
You guys met again in the middle of a practice game when you were passing out their towels so they can wipe the sweat on their face, you had a small conversation with him until your brother dragged him back into the game

➷Aoba Johsai➷

➷Toru Oikawa➷
You guys really didn't have an actual meeting you just kept trying to ignore him to the point he tried to get other people to talk to you and that ended up to be Iwaizumi, you did talk to him about how annoying Oikawa was and he was surprised, because Iwaizumi has never heard any girl say that Oikawa was annoying, but he ended up just agreeing with you

➷Hajime Iwaizumi➷
The last time he saw you he asked Oikawa about it at practice and he just ended up ranting about you and how you were turning into him because of how beautiful you were. Little did both of them know you were just there standing at the door ready to throw a volleyball at your older brother, and so you did. they both turned to where you were standing and you apologized to Hajime and ended up lecturing your brother. Behind you Iwaizumi was chuckling lightly at your behavior 

➷Issei Matsukawa➷
Kind of the same as Hajime instead this time he was again the first to notice you standing at the door looking at your nails as you listen to your cousin waiting for him to finish his little speech about you


➷Wakatoshi Ushijima➷
You guys met again on the same path you ran last time but you were sitting at a small bench and he happened to notice you there and sat next to you

➷Satori Tendou➷
You guys met again at the same ice cream shop and ordered the exact same ice cream

➷Kenjiro Shirabu➷
You saw him in the hallway heading to class so you ran up to him and hugged him like you've known him for years and everyone thought you guys were a couple

➷Eita Semi➷
same as Nishinoya you see him everyday

➷Tsutomu Goshiki➷
Once again you were rambling with Tendou about this one girl in your class and Goshiki was writing something down so you started to talk to him as well and he was really confused on why you dragged him into a conversation when he has no idea what you're talking about


➷Atsumu Miya➷
You guys actually see each other very often because you walk home with them and spend the day with Osamu as he bullies Atsumu.

➷Osamu Miya➷
You guys met again at the same spot you buy onigiri's but little did he know your parents own that shop but you act like a costumer to fool a lot of people (basically you know every single good kind of onigiri your parents make)

➷Rintaro Suna➷
You guys met again because after he saw you recording your brothers fight he asked how many videos and photos you had of them and you told him you had a lot so he had asked if you guys could meet at a cafe after school so you can show him them

➷Shinsuke Kita➷
You guys met again at the same store in the same isle, at probably the same time. You only went because you had run out of hand sanitizer and you needed more, he had ran out of dish and hand soap so he went to buy more and bumped into you


➷Kiyoomi Sakusa➷
Like Kita you guys met at the same store and when you saw him you decided to be nice and start a conversation about something, he pretended like he wasn't listening but in reality he was because he had never heard your voice before and he thought it was soft and cute (unless your loud like me... oh well)

IM SO SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS REALLY LATE- i was grounded for like 2 weeks so i now might be able to post chapters a little more regularly on my other pc i use to play video games with-

uhhhh i really dont know when i'll update my ray book but maybe soon MAYBE idk im sorry for not updating it at all

anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter ik Oikawa and Iwa-chan have a whole paragraph i just had a lot in mind for those two and happened to pick the longest ones because im like that- anyway I LOVE YOU ALL YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!!! 

Love, Author-chan

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