How they asked you out

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bit of a late chapter :P sorry about that. also sorry for any mistakes i cant type fast with fake nails 


➷Shoyo Hinata➷
He was very nervous to ask you out that he fainted before the words could even come out of his mouth and you had to take him to the nurse

➷Tobio Kageyama➷
He actually told Hinata before he asked you, and Shoyo being your brother ran over to you and said "Hey (y/n)! Kageyama said he wanted to ask you out!" and you just stared at him with a face that said "then why did you tell me?" but you did say yes to Kageyama

➷Kei Tsukishima➷
He'll never admit it but he was slowly falling for you. One day he just walked up to you while you were trying to figure out what your baby brother was pointing at and just flat out asked you. You did say yes, but when your baby brother saw Kei he reached his hands out to him and you told him he wanted you to hold him so he did, and you were internally screaming at how cute they looked

➷Tadashi Yamaguchi➷
He had accidently asked you in the same hallway you guys met and there was soon an entire crowd waiting for you to answer. You already knew you were going to say yes so you just told him you'd met him at the same cafe at 4 for your date, smiled, and walked away to your next class leaving Yams getting bombarded with questions

➷Yuu Nishinoya➷
He again asked you in front of the whole team instead this time he was sweating, so you asked whats wrong and it just slipped out. You said yes and he started crying, you had no idea what was up with him that day

➷Ryunosuke Tanaka➷
He asked you after school ended while he was walking you home because he was gaining his confidence throughout the day, even though the team was bullying him a bit for having a crush and not simping over Kiyoko (which she was actually glad that was happening)

➷Koushi Sugawara➷
He gave you a small poem to describe everything he loves about you and at the bottom it said "will you go out with me" and you circled the yes

➷Daichi Sawamura➷
He asked you in front of the gym before you left to walk home. He seemed confident even though he was really nervous. He did smile when you said yes and hugged you before waving goodbye as you walked home with your brother

➷Asahi Azumane➷
Since he knew a lot about you through Suga, he got you your favorite sweet, and your favorite candy, added a small letter to it explaining how and why he loves you and on the back of the letter was the question


➷Kuroo Tetsuro➷
He was praying for you to say yes, He may be flirty with other girls, but with you its different, he gets nervous anytime he's around you. He ended up using a chemistry joke to ask you out, you laughed at him for how stupid the joke was but then you said "I'll go out with you, but you have to try to do your work without my help for a week" he then cried in the corner

➷Kozume Kenma➷
He did not ask you in person because he didn't wanna deal with people asking questions after. So when you guys were playing animal crossing (you guys were in a discord vc), he had given you a flower and asked, you were almost crying because of how cute it was and said yes, he smiled but he'll never tell anyone

➷Morisuke Yaku➷
He had said it wasn't actually a date when he asked, he said it was only because you seemed cooler and less wild than his team so he needed someone else to hang out with and you were the first person he thought of. Little did you know that he was slowly coming to like you

➷Lev Haiba➷
He had asked you out when they won a practice game against another team, when you said yes he wanted to hug you really badly but since he was sweaty he didn't so he waited until the next day


➷Kotaro Bokuto➷
He gave you a letter because he physically can't ask you while trying to be serious. He taped a rose to the back, made the letter your favorite color, and even though you could barley read his handwriting you still understood what he was trying to say. As you read the letter Bokuto was actually right around the corner watching you to make sure you circle yes

➷Keiji Akaashi➷
It's Akaashi.... he just asked you out like it was normal thing though on the inside he was screaming and hoping you'd say yes. When you did say yes he almost lost his cool with excitement but kept himself together until he got home

➷Aoba Johsai➷

➷Toru Oikawa➷
You had said no at first, but Do- TORU *ahem*- Toru being Toru didn't take no as an answer so he kept asking you to the point you got annoyed and HAD to say yes so he would shut up and leave you alone. He'll never EVER find out that you actually liked him because of his personality and not his looks (not his flirty persona but instead when hes more serious about things)

➷Hajime Iwaizumi➷
He knew many guys asked you out, but he still gave it a try because he thought he might have had a chance.... and he did. You said yes because you knew he was different from the other guys who asked you out, you knew he meant it and that he wouldn't just ask you out, make you go, and never show up

➷Issei Matsukawa➷
He first asked Oikawa if it was ok to take you out on a date, and he said "as long as you treat her alright I'm ok with it.. Also if your taking her somewhere with a lot of people keep your eyes on her she tends to walk away and get lost" Mattsun laughed at that and asked you later on in the day. You had said yes but also asked if you could go to the arcade as a date... lets hope you dont get kidnapped :D


➷Wakatoshi Ushijima➷
He asked you in a very polite way. when you said yes he bowed and said "I will see you when you arrive for our date" then sorta just.....walked away...

➷Satori Tendou➷
He asked you on the way to school and when you said yes he started to sing because he was happy

➷Kenjiro Shirabu➷
He actually just gave you a small drawing of you and him on a date then he asked. You said yes and he fainted... poor Shirabu

➷Eita Semi➷
He asked you over text :) he was too scared to ask in person because he might be too nervous that he just forgets to ask you- 

➷Tsutomu Goshiki➷
No... you had to ask him first because he would have either ran away before you could answer or faint before he could ask. He ended up running away when you asked him


➷Atsumu Miya➷
He asked you when you were studying with Osamu at their house. And that happened to be when you got hungry and Osamu went to the kitchen to cook food

➷Osamu Miya➷
He asked you on the way to your parents shop. You had said yes by the time you guys walked in 

➷Rintaro Suna➷
He asked you when you walked into the gym. Though he looked very tired you said yes and he walked away to take a nap in the corner.... wonder why he was so tired... maybe he found your instagram and was scrolling through it.

➷Shinsuke Kita➷
Like Ushiwaka he asked you in a very polite way to not seem rude. When you said yes he said he'll text you when and walked into the store you guys were in front of


➷Kiyoomi Sakusa➷
You had to ask him. He was actually thinking about asking you instead but he remembered the other times you guys met and decided to just wait until you asked. He did say yes but he called you a germ and you got angry and stole his mask.... be lucky you guys were in public

AHHHHHHHHHHHH i dont have much to say for the ending so uh 

Hope you enjoy this chapter idk when the next chapter will come out but yeah!

i might also change the writing style for this book but im still not sure about that i'll tell you when i decide to change it or not

some characters at the end have shorter ones than the rest thats because i've been stressed lately and cant think of much


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