Chapter 8

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Ryota: I'll protect this hope! Pain or sadness, it's already enough! A world without any Despair is almost upon us!

Hajime: How boring. Even if you lose the people you care about, you won't feel any pain or sadness. Is that really the hope that you're thinking of right now?

Mitarai glared at him as Hinata was explaining what he thinks of about Mitarai's actions

Ryota: Someone strong like you would never understand! We're all weak compared to you!

Just when he yelled that to Hinata, the rest of 77th class, excluding Nanami, have arrived

Hajime: I'm not a strong person either, Mitarai. And that's exactly why I have regrets. You're the same, aren't you?

Ryota: ...Yes, I do have regrets. And because of me, Enoshima Junko was able to make that Despair video! Because of me, so many people have died! Even now, every single day, they're all still dying! You guys as well... If not for me, wouldn't you still have a peaceful, happy school life with others? And it's all, because I escaped. It's all my fault....

Naegi listened to their conversation outside, careful not to interrupt them. And while he was listening, Naegi noticed Nanami listening as well

Hajime: If you want to think that way, then go ahead. Is that why you want to get rid of Despair? By turning the world into a blank state, pretending that nothing happened? Stop running away

Hinata's expression went to a concerned one as he asked Mitarai to stop running away from his mistakes

Ryota: You're all okay with this? Because of me... And Enoshima... you turned into Despair

Hajime: I'd like to get rid of the past, sure. But I can't. Even with the talent I have

He held out the hairpin that Chiaki had, as he gets the thought of her being dead

Hajime: Nanami.... I can't just pretend she never existed. Thanks to her, we're all alive. I can't just pretend she never existed

Mitarai looked up to them as he listened to the 77th class

Nekomaru: So we must atone for our sins

Tanaka: And that's the destiny of the survivors (dark devas of destruction appears)

Ryota: Atonement? There's no way I can do that, it's impossible. No one will ever forgive me!

Sonia: We're not doing it to be forgiven

Kazuichi: That's right, that's right!

Ryota: ...I don't get it. I don't know what to do anymore

Imposter: You were wrong. However, we're together with you on that. We were all wrong

Mitarai took a few steps back as soon as they mentioned that they were together, declining that they're wrong about that and that he's been always alone

Ryota: It's all my fault, and mine alone!

Tears began to form on Mitarai. But just when it was going to fall, sunlight was seen shining through the horizon

Hajime: Then, come over

The light became brighter as Mitarai looked up to Hinata. He then wondered, if he should come with them or not

Hajime: From now on, we'll be together

Mitarai glanced at the others to see what they think about it

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