Chapter 5

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Ginny's POV:

I woke up in the morning to the twins screaming, "Ginny wake up right now." I sleepily shouted, "Why?" "It's present time." I jump out of bed, grab my dressing gown and run down stairs while shouting, "Coming!" I get downstairs and am about to walk through the door but only see Ron and Harry. I walk back up stairs, grab an umbrella and come back down. I walk through the door with the umbrella and hear a splash. I hear the twins go "awww" but then close my eyes and think 'water in the twins face.' There was a scream. I turn around and the twins are drenched, "boys I thought you would of learnt by now not to pull pranks on me." I say angrily, Harry and Ron start laughing at the twins while I just smirk at them. "How did you do that you don't have a wand?" Harry asked, looking at me. "I always been able to do little things wandless thing but generally not that big of a thing." I say, smiling at him. "That's cool." Harry said, "we've already opened our presents now it's your turn." "Ok!" I say, while walking over to the Christmas tree with a bit of a skip in my step (I'm feeling happier than usual). The first present I open is the one from my mum, it's a green jumper with a orange G in the middle. "Put it on, the rest of us have ours on." Ron said, I just then noticed that Harry also has a Weasley Christmas jumper on, this made me smile.

Harry's POV:

When Ginny smiled a whole world of emotions over took me, happiness, excitement but also fear as I didn't understand what was happening and why I was feeling this. Percy came in at that moment, he was carrying his Weasley jumper and had a huge smile on his face until the twins ran over, grabbed the jumper out of his hands and shoved it over his head. He looked angry for a second then went back to smiling. He then went and sat in the armchair by the fire, I then noticed his lips were a bit red and puffy and had a red mark on his neck. The twins then came and slumped into the sofa next to me. "What's Percy all smiley about?" I whisper to Fred. "He's probably been snogging some girl in year, i.e. Penelope Clearwater." Fred whispered back. "Ahh, I particularly think it's good now he is less grumpy." Ron said from my other side not caring if Percy heard. Ginny was wearing her jumper now, I thought the green really suited her.

Ginny's POV:

It was now time for bed, the day had been great. I had gotten lots of sweets from Ron and prank stuff from the twins. As well as a book on muggles from dad and some money from Percy, Charlie and Bill. We had, had a snow ball fight I made 50 snowballs follow the twins around until they had all hit them. Then Christmas tea was amazing and a swear the Professors got a bit tipsy, it was rather funny. I had just climbed into bed and started thinking about weird things which were happening around Harry. Like the way his eyes flashed gold often and how my powers seemed to have suddenly gotten stronger since we first ever shucked hands. I was sure he new about it as well but probably didn't want to mention it as not to seem weird. She was now more tired so turned of the light and drifted off quickly.

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