Chapter 7

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Mrs Weasleys POV:

I had a lovely Christmas and in a couple of days I am going to pick Ginny up from Hogwarts. When I went down stairs to make breakfast I saw Dumbledores Phoenix (Fawkes) sitting on the table. "Arthur! Fawkes is here." I shout, upstairs. As soon as, Arthur got downstairs Fawkes spoke, "I want you to come to my office as soon as you can. No one is in trouble but I just need to talk about something important." Fawkes then disappeared in a ball of flames. "Let's go get dressed then floo to his office." Arthur said. Even though Dumbledore said there is no trouble I just felt like there was.
When we got to Dumbledores office they noticed him and madam Pomfrey sitting on the sofas. Madam Pomfrey?What is she doing here? Are my babies hurt? "Come sit," Dumbledore said, we went and sat down, "lemon sorbet?" "No thanks." I say, while Arthur took one. "Now I'm sure you're wondering the main reason why I called you here and we will come to that later but for now we will start with what madam Pompey saw yesterday evening." We turned to look at her. "Yesterday your twins came into the hospital wing carrying Harry Potter. He was nocked out while playing quidditch. I had told them to put him onto one of the beds. I checked if he was ok and that was when Ginny, Ron and Percy came in. Percy came straight up to me and asked how he was and stuff while Ron and Ginny went to sit by Harry. I noticed Ginny was about to take his hand but I think she decided against it as her brothers may think it was odd. After about an hour I saw Ginny stand up and tell her brothers that she was going to go, to which one of the twins replied. I then noticed Ginny kiss Harry on the forehead (while her brothers weren't looking) then turn around and walked away." I saw Arthur smile at this, "the odd thing was that Harry woke up a slit second after this but the thing was that he wasn't supposed to wake up for a couple more hours." "I don't understand." Arthur said. "The is where we get to the important bit." Dumbledore said, he had a gleam in his eye I had only seen a few times. "When Ginny first came here she and Harry shook hand and when this happened I saw a small flash of light in their eyes, gold in Harry's and silver in Ginny's. The thing is that both of these things together have given me hints to a soul bond." I gasped at this, I had once read something on this in school. "What's a soul bond?" Arthur asked. "A soul bond is when two people share the same soul." I say, I'm still confused, though I didn't think that anyone I now would have one never mind my own daughter. "Correct Molly. The two parts of the soul will be different colours, that's why Ginny's eyes flashed silver and Harry's gold." He now looked a bit annoyed, "they will also be extremely powerful more so than me." I heard Arthur mumble, "more powerful than Dumbledore, cool!" Dumbledore ignored this and carried on, "the bond will be fully formed when something happens that endangers them both." "Wait, what? When will this happen?" I say, I am now really worried. "Showing how strong it is already, one two years maybe." Seriously, my daughter is going to be endangered soon. "We can't tell them for a until it happens, ok?" "Ok." Me and Arthur say. "When it is fully formed Ginny will know everything that Harry does. We will also have to teach them how to make a pratronus and become animigni. As well as, occlumency so that people don't find it out unless they want them to. We should also teach them non-verbal and wandless magic." "They'll actually be able to do this?" Arthur asked, wide eyed. "Yes. Oh, em, they won't be able to touch each other's bare skin (like holding hands) as they will start glowing but at the same time they will have to be touching each other for about half and hour each day unless you want them to be in grave pain." Dumbledore said, "there is one other thing but we will get to it when we get to it." So my daughter is bonded with Harry Potter the Harry Potter. She will have great powers and will have to be touching for half an hour a day after this unless I want her hurt. Great! Just great!

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