Chapter 8: Sibling Reunion

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Cursing Warning

Katsu's P.O.V.

I watched as the scarlet feather floated away, behind a shelf in one of the corners of the room. No one noticed, seems everyone was still frazzled by whatever Puppeteer and Hawks were talking about. 

"What the hell was that?!" Tomura yelled as he walked over to the purple haired woman. "Why are you suddenly all buddy buddy with the heroes?!" He continued

Then Dabi spoke, he wasn't there when this all went down since he was still new. "Wait what?"

"You have more friends!?!" Toga exclaimed, "Are they cute?! I wanna meet them!!" Toga then rambled on about how she wanted to meet the hero so she could get some more blood, as she was running low, at least I think she is, she doesn't talk to me all that much. 

'That's a good thing though, not like I want talk to any of them, or even be here!'

Puppeteer finally answers them after what felt like an eternity of silence, "he.. is not my friend" she says, once again Tomura looks unsatisfied with the answer, as he always does since she doesn't like to talk. 

"Well then how does he know your real name then? Huh? Hayami?!!"  Tomura reveals her name and everyone freaks out.

"Woah!! That's a cool name- no it isn't- yes! No. Yes!" Twice goes back and forth with himself for a little as Toga compliments her.

"Wow that's such a cute name! Makes me wanna stab you!" Toga giggles

"Be quiet!" Puppeteer says, quite a bit louder than usual, "Dont.. ever! .. Say that name again, ok? Never.."

I stare up at her, her tired purple eyes becoming glassy. Kurogiri then takes me to my "room," it's actually a closet with a few dirty blankets I can use. I listen to them fight a little, I then hear Dabi's flames, I was getting worried but then the door slammed shut. 

I decided against going out as I would like to avoid getting beaten up again. When I woke up no one opened the door, it was just silent on the other side. 

I didn't get any food that day, or the next, or the next. After 3 days without food and very little water, the door opened, it was Kurogiri. He said Puppeteer left the last night I was out, and that I would still be working for them.

Another week or two went by and Tomura finally decided to do something, much to my disliking.

I'm gonna be left at the bar with Tomura, (A/n I think Shiggy stayed behind during the Summer Camp thing) and they were targeting my brother again. I don't even know what I did, to make them do this but it was happening tonight. 

The team that was going out was getting ready, they walked through the the misty portal and they were gone. I sat on the couch, silent, for the next few hours.

~Time Skip~

They came back in a rather dramatic way, Dabi was somewhat sinking into the portal with his arm raised, as if holding something. Then spiky ash blonde hair came into view.

Dabi and Tomura were laughing, as he turned around and realized I was there. I stood up to hug him but was struck down by Tomura. 

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!!" Katsuki yelled, earning him a punch as well.

"Katsuki.." I said, my voice shaky and quiet since I hadn't talked in at least 2 weeks.

"Sorry to ruin your little reunion.. well, not really.. but we're gonna have to restrain you now" Tomura said as he laughed again.

They chained him up and tied me to a chair so I wouldn't try anything now that I had motivation to move.

I tried to wiggle out of them but Dabi put a hand on my arm and it started to heat up, 

"Yeah.. I wouldn't do that if I were you..." he said in his usual low monotone voice.


The League ignored him, and continued to try convincing Katsuki to join the L.O.V. but they were soon interrupted by the door opening.

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