A Song With You

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"Seriously, do you two have to fall asleep on the couch together?" Kai said, shaking us both.

I realized I was lying with my head on Shun's chest. Shun looked at me and smiled, "Morning, little princess." I wonder how many times I've woken up to this face.

"Morning." I looked over to Kai. "Sorry, Kai." I stood up, feeling refreshed, while Shun sat up as well.

"You're lucky I'm the only one who saw you. Everyone's sleeping in." Kai looked pointedly at us. "Are you two together?"

"Nope," I answered immediately.

"My, my, I've been rejected again," Shun said, smiling.

"I don't recall you proposing though," I responded, as Mina walked in.

"If I did, would you accept?"

"Probably not. I don't think I'd accept anyone's proposal. Love always comes with strings attached," I answered, yawning. I didn't notice Shun widening his eyes, or Mina narrowing hers at that moment.

"Did you two sleep on the couch?" She asked, looking between both of us and our messed up hair.

"Nope," I answered again.

"You're a bad liar, little princess."

I smiled.

Mina walked next to Kai, and I saw him discreetly take her hand. I smiled, wondering when they got together. Maybe it was rash of me to announce that she liked him, but I suppose it worked out since they both got what they wanted.

Yoru walked to the kitchen–all bleary eyes and yawns–and I followed him to see if I could help.


A little later in the day, Shun entered my room, while I was reading. I put the book down and looked at him. He sat next to me on the bed, and handed me a choker. It looked similar to the one he had, but the one he handed to me had a light intricate design in silver. I stared at it with wide eyes. It was pretty.

"This should help you sleep," He said, taking the choker and leaning forward, putting it around my neck.

"A charm..." I said, fingering it. "Thank you."

"I'd rather you come to me when you can't sleep, though," he said, a little wistfully. "You have a very cute sleeping face."

"No thanks," I said without missing a beat. Looks like I've been learning how to deal with him from Hajime.


"Essie?" I said, sitting on my bed next to my cat. Essie was curled up on the bed, and I was pretty sure she looked bored.


"You've been inside for a while, do you wanna go out?" I was asking her, because even though I'm an introvert, spending too much time inside tends to suffocate me. I was assuming it was the same with cats.

'Yep. It might be a nice place, but being inside is stifling.' Oh, I was right.

"Let's go for a walk."

Essie and I walked outside together, somewhere in the late evening. We walked past shops, and sat down in a park. It was the same park were everything started. Even the piano was still sitting there, staring at the passerby in the hopes someone would play it. Instruments were meant to be played after all.

Around nightfall, we decided to head back. I think we took a wrong turn somewhere, because neither of us knew where to go. Our surroundings were unfamiliar.

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