Manager For A Day

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The next day evening, Hajime played the song I had composed for everyone in the living room. Shun took a seat on the couch and I stood behind him, my hands on the back of the couch. I watched everyone, as most of their expressions changed to excitement. Rui's was still expressionless, although I think I could feel a little excitement off him. The last note faded away, as Aoi said, "The president wrote this? It sounds like something Carys would come up with." A few nods and everyone looked at me. Mina and Kai ducked to hide their laughter and Shun smiled. Hajime was expressionless.

I simply shrugged and held up my injured hand. "There's no way I composed with this."

Shun started laughing and Hajime smiled.

"Shun?" Rui asked.

"It's nothing," Shun said, still laughing. Everyone started talking, and Hajime called them to attention to tell them they'd be learning the choreography starting from the next day.

Shun looked up at me and I leaned forward. He whispered in my ear, "Your ability to lie with a straight face is amazing."

"Why, thank you."

"Are you sure we can't tell them you wrote it? It looks like they already suspect it."

I ruffled Shun's hair and said, "Don't. They might feel guilty and I don't want that."

He smiled as I took my hand back.

"Are you two together?" Kakeru asked, looking between the both of us.

My heart squeezed uncomfortably, but I plastered a fake smile and said, "No, of course not." Shun watched me closely, his eyes narrowing.


I met Shun in his room later that night, and took a seat on his couch. He took a seat on his bed, and if I wasn't mistaken, it almost looked like he was waiting for me.

"What is it?"

"What are you afraid of?" Shun asked me.

"I...what?" I stammered.

"When Kakeru asked whether we were together, there was terror in your eyes." He stood up, and started walking to me. "Why?"

"That's not true," I said, lightly rubbing my hands together. I felt like crying to be honest. Have you ever really wanted something knowing you could never have it? If you have, you would know how your heart hurts at those moments.

He took a seat next to me grabbed my face with both hands, his eyes full of concern. I looked at them and then looked away.

"Look at me, Carys." The first time he called me by name.

I looked at his eyes and placed a hand over his hand.

"Tell me why."

"Yes, I was scared," I said, looking away again, as Shun took his hands back. "They said it was all in the name of love. They did everything in the name of love," I said, my voice breaking. "And now I love you, but I'm scared!" I covered my mouth immediately when I realized what I had just said.

He hugged me, and I felt somehow safe. Despite being the Demon King, he was certainly warm enough to be a human. He pulled me down so that we ended up lying on the couch, my head on his chest.

"I would never hurt you," he whispered. "I'll wait for an answer, but think about it." I nodded and closed my eyes. I was far too tired to think about that now.

"I love you too," he said, smiling.

I smiled back and took his hand.


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