Chapter 8: Goodnight, My Dear

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|3rd Person P.O.V|

(Y/N) was baffled by Camus' sudden question. "How am I supposed to answer that? I can't just say that I like him and it was awkward to he around him! Can I? No! I can't! I need to come up with a 'reasonable' answer!" the young lady yelled mentally at herself. Meanwhile, the platinum blonde man waited patiently for her answer. "I know this question is abrupt, but, I need to know. Even if it's because she doesn't want anything to do with me." he thought.

The two remained quiet for a short period of time, until (Y/N) decided to give her answer. "Well, you see, I'm not necessarily trying to avoid you, I, just have a lot on my plate right now. Between the Master Course, sharpening my composing skills, and having a new male roommate, it's just hard to talk to people casually right now." she explained.

"Okay - it wasn't technically a lie, but, it wasn't the truth either."

"Ah, I see. Arigato for answering such an abrupt question." he said. (Y/N) raised her hands up to her chest while waving them side to side in opposite directions. "It's fine! Don't worry about it!" she exclaimed with a nervous smile. He smiled and began to consume his strawberry shortcake again. As the two ate, they began to share their likes and dislikes with each other. This conversation lasted for about and hour or so after they had finished their sweets.

Camus had noticed that it was getting dark outside, so he checked the clock on his phone. "Oh (Y/N), it's already six forty - five. We should head back before anyone worries." he said. (Y/N)  nodded lightly and stood up. "Let's get going then!" she exclaimed happily. They walked out of the little coffee shop and started to make their way home.

~At the Master Course~

Camus and (Y/N) stepped inside the warm building and took off their coats and shoes. Camus had made his way to their room to check on the Prince while (Y/N) went to the living room and plopped herself on the couch. "Today was fun..."  she thought."However, I want to know why he asked that question. I mean, it was as if he's been waiting for an answer his entire life..." She kept thinking to herself, not noticing that she was slowly drifting off to sleep.

After Camus had finished scolding Cecil about running off to Nanami's room instead of doing his lesson, he made his way downstairs. Right as he entered the living room, he saw (Y/N) sleeping on the couch. "It must be been a tiring day for her today." he thought as he smiled. He only began to get closer to her - kneeling down - so close that he could feel her breath on his nose. "I have to admit, she looks rather cute when she's sleeping..." he thought. Suddenly a wave of embarrassment went through his mind and showing up as light shade of pink on his face. "What an I thinking?! I sound like I'm an old pervert!! Even though it's true... she looks cute." he thought with guilt. Then, (Y/N) shifted in her sleep. Their noses lightly brushed each other as she turned away from him.

Camus' face was practically stained red. He couldn't even think straight. It looked like he was about to collapse right then and there, but, he managed to calm down afterward. He got up and was about to walk away when he thought of something. "It wouldn't be right to leave (Y/N) alone there on the couch, would it? With all the guys running around I wouldn't be surprised if one of the kohais decided to... well..." he thought. Camus went back to (Y/N) and slowly slid his arms under her legs and her head, resulting in carrying her bridal style. Fortunately, she didn't wake up from the sudden movements. He carried her all the way to their room.

Slowly pushing the door -  that wasn't fully closed -  open, it revealed Cecil asleep on his bed with all of the lights turned off except for the one on the desk. Camus softly placed (Y/N) on her bed, and pulled the covers over her.

"I had fun today. Talking with you, laughing with you, connecting with you. I hope we could do that everyday. We should go back to that little coffee shop again. Maybe, as a real couple next time."

Camus smiled at the thought, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight, my dear."

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