I believe you

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The next few days continue on without any other problems. The two of the boys seem to settle into my guest bedroom in no time, both slowly understanding my work schedule to know when I was going to be at home and when I wasn't.

I had also managed to teach Chan how to cook three different types of food, so they could make themselves something to eat when I wasn't at home.

Ramen so far was both of their favourites.

"Chan you really need to stay still or I'm going to get this all over your head." I scold the boy sitting in the plastic chair in front of the hair as I comb the liquid through his hair.

My friend had managed to drop off a few bottles of hair dye three days after I had messaged him, claiming he was more than interested in my story, though I refused to give him any specific details.

"But it smells funny." He whines at me, as I continue to comb his hair until it looked thoroughly coated.

"I know but this is going to make your life a little easier. Let it sit for twenty minutes and then you can go wash it out." Chan nods a small pout on his face as he moves out of the way for his brother to take his place.

"So Felix, would you mind telling me what species you are? It'll help me choose which dye is safe for you." I ask as he takes a seat in front of me.

"I don't know if I should tel-"

"It's fine Felix, she can know." Chan reassures his brother, as he watches the T.V his eyes trained on Spongebob annoying Squidward.

"I'm a panther hybrid."

"A panther... This one should do." I say picking up a bottle of blonde hair dye, shaking it to mix the ingredients together.

"What colour?" He asks.

"Looks like it'll be a yellowish blonde." I answer, wrapping a towel around his shoulder, parting his hair down the middle before beginning to spread the dye into his hair.

A loud ringing through the room, brings my attention over to Chan who is still focused on the T.V.

"You can go wash yours out now." I throw towards Chan who nods, reluctantly pulling his gaze away from the T.V to strut down the hall to the bath room.

"Doctor, do you think we'll ever see our brothers again?" Felix asks, his deep voice cutting through the silence in the living room after a few moments of the water beginning to run, taking me by surprise.

"I don't know Felix, hopefully you will. But it's hard to say." I answer, a strong feeling of guilt flowing through my body.

I wish I could do more to reunite these brothers, but unless I want the government to find Felix and Chan, I wasn't going to be able to do much.

"Maybe they'll be able to escape like we did." Felix says, his optimism bringing emotions to the surface. I continue to drag the comb through Felix's hair, adding more dye as I go, trying to cover as much of it as possible, to leave no spot untouched by the dye.

"How did the two of you manage to get out?" I question hesitantly, hoping to not be overstepping any boundaries.

"We were planning it for a long time, watching every moves the scientists and guards made until we found a pattern. Eventually we agreed to let Chan go first, incase it didn't work, he didn't want us to be the ones to get punished." Felix answers and I nod along with his story trying to not ask too many questions along the way.

"Punish you?" I ask, finally caving to my own curiosity.

"They would take us to a room, where there were no windows and only one big door. It was dark and cold in that room. If we didn't apologise and ask for forgiveness they would shock us with a taser and leave us in the room until we did." Felix's answer elicits a small gasp from me. I couldn't believe people could be so cruel, to such lovely people.

"Anyway, after Chan managed to get out, the guards were panicked enough that I managed to slip out the same way as Chan, though right as I got to the border they caught me." Felix says taking a deep breath "They were kicking and punching me and one of them had a knife and they were trying to drag me back to the lab but I fought as hard as I could." Felix continues, his words causing me to stop my actions only being able to listen to what he was saying.

"I bit one of them and grabbed another one's arm until I could hear it crunch. They all freaked out and ran back to the lab, so I got up and kept running. I was outside your centre when I caught the smell of Chan, but when I went inside these two men grabbed me and put me in the room, they were trying to get me to sit on the table so they could look at my injuries but I thought they were trying to hurt me so I hurt them, and then you and Chan walked in the room." Felix finishes, and at the sound of the water stopping from the bathroom he seems to go quiet, the story obviously one he wasn't going to tell his older brother.

"Oh Felix. That's awful" I coo, walking around from behind him to look him in the eyes. "I am so so sorry that you ever had to go through something so horrible. But I promise you, I wont let anyone hurt you anymore." I add, the boy not being able to move his eyes away from his hands in his lap.

"Everything alright out here?" Chan voice calls as the bathroom door opens.

"Yeah, I was just explaining to Felix what the hair dye is made out of." I yell back to the older boy who just nods at my response, moving to the guest room to get changed.

"You can go shower now if you want." I mumble looking at the clock, which shows me definitely passed the waiting time. Felix nods standing up and looking at me with a small smile.

"I believe you." He whispers. "I believe that you wont let me or my brother be in pain anymore." He continues, his smile bringing out a smile on my own face.

"Thank you, Felix."

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