Wait for Ko

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After I hear the footsteps recede, I signal to the other to walk down the rest of the hall. There are only five cells left and Hyunjin has to be in one of them.

We walk past two more cells, three guards try to grab us but Jeongin knocks one out while Changbin takes down the other one. I hear Felix mutter something under his breath as we watch them drag two of the men into the empty cell in front of us and close the door, locking them in.

Changbin proceeds to use the other unconscious guards fingerprint to turn off the alarms and carries on walking down the hall to find Hyunjin.

We finally get the the last cell and see him half dead on the floor.

"Hyunjin!" I tell as Changbin unlocks the door with the guards hand again and I immediately run to him. I put Hyunjin on my back and started to walk out the cell.

"Jisung." He chokes out, pointing to the cell next to his.

I walk towards it only to see a tail if recognise anyway. I see a squirrel hybrid curled up in the corner of his cell and he flinched when I call his name. After Changbin unlocks the cell I run and stand next to him.

"Jisung, I thought you were dead." I speak softly, blinking away the tears.

"They moved me." He states, now standing with me.

"I can see that now," I chuckled. "Come with us." I say as more of an order than an option.

"I can't walk properly, I'd slow you down." He looks down at his leg sadly.

"I'm not going to leave you behind." I ask Changbin to drop guard as we don't need him anymore and help Jisung.

The six of us make it out of the exit and Felix cuts the fence.

Felix and Jeongin help Hyunjin through first, then Changbin walks through with Jisung on his back. Once I see that everyone is safely on the other side of the fence I start to move towards the hole we made but something grabs my leg.

I look back in time see a guard break my left ankle while Felix tries to come back through the fence.

"Go! Run!" I tell to them, willing them to listen to me. "Get to the centre and wait for Ko!" I scream out in pain as the guard breaks another bone while dragging inside.

"Don't come back for me!" I order, tears welling up in my eyes, I smile at my brothers one last time hoping they will get to Ko in time.

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