Chapter 17

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 Heronfall lowered his head and took a hungry bite from the shrew he was eating. A few weeks passed since he and the others became warriors, and leaf-bare was just getting harsher and colder every day. He let out a sigh, missing the warm breeze of greenleaf.

 ''Oh, hi Heronfall!''

 The tom raised his head and saw Mushroomspot approach him. He dipped his head to the older warrior. ''Hello there!''

 Mushroomspot sat down and took a scrawny-looking rabbit from the pile. ''What are you doing?''

 ''Nothing much.'' Heronfall meowed and took another bite from the shrew. ''Just enjoying this prey. You?''

 ''Eh.'' Mushroomspot shrugged and took a bite from the rabbit. ''Me too. I honestly can't wait for greenleaf! My paws are freezing every day.''

 ''Me neither!'' Heronfall meowed, hissing as a cold breeze ruffled his fur. 

 Mushroomspot purred in amusement. ''The cold wind doesn't really bother me anymore. It's just my paws that still get cold. By the way, remember when you wanted to catch a bird when you were a kit?''

 Heronfall raised his head in surprise and looked at the older warrior. He remembered!

 He nodded. ''I do, but I haven't managed to catch one yet. I'm hoping that I can catch one next newleaf.''

 ''I'm sure you will.'' Mushroomspot meowed, then hesitated before speaking. ''And.. Cougarheart?''

 Heronfall froze. He slowly raised his eyes toward his friend. ''Cougarheart?''

 ''Have you two.. mended your friendship?''

 Heronfall felt like his heart was shattered with regret and pain. He sighed, shaking his head. ''No. I've tried talking to her, but she just.. won't listen. I don't even understand why.'' 

 Mushroomspot flicked his tail, then looked around. ''Listen, I have an idea. I think she's out of camp right now, so you should find her and try talk to her about it. Stay calm though, and don't try to force her to listen. Just let her do it by herself.''

 ''That could work.'' Heronfall nodded slowly, finishing his shrew. He got up and licked his muzzle, looking at Mushroomspot. ''Thanks!''

 ''No problem.'' His friend dipped his head, then Heronfall turned and sprinted out of camp.

 Instantly, he was greeted by another gust of cold wind, and by the freezing cold snow underneath his paws. He hesitated, longing to go back to his warm and cozy nest, but he knew he couldn't. Well, he could, but he didn't want to. He had to find Cougarheart as soon as possible. She had to listen to him, one way or another.

 Heronfall looked around and sniffed the air, instantly catching the familiar scent of Cougarheart. He followed it, leaving the camp behind, and passing the giant rock that stood next to the entrance. He shivered as the snow clung to his fur, but he continued moving. I want to get back to camp as soon as possible. And hopefully after I talk with Cougarheart.

 He stopped suddenly, staring ahead in shock. A little further ahead, he saw Cougarheart standing in front of a brown rogue. He felt his heart drop with shock and confusion. Is she.. meeting in secret with a rogue?

 Before he could do anything, however, Cougarheart raised an unsheathed paw defensively and took a step back. The rogue bared his teeth and threw himself at the WindClan warrior, pinning her to the ground. Cougarheart looked up at him, said something angrily, and the rogue raked his claws across the she-cat's face. Then, he grabbed Cougarheart's scruff and dragged her away.

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