The Concert

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Chapter one


"Camie! Come on!!!" Shouted my best friend Ashley. She was impatiently standing by the door in my room, wringing her beanie in her hands. I sighed and looked over at her. "Hold on." I said, trying to speed up my thought process. I had some math homework left over, and my parents would kill me if I didn't do it. Ashley sighed loudly then stormed over to my desk and scribbled some random numbers across my paper. "There, you're done." She said brightly. "Dern you! My parents are definitely going to kill me now!" I shouted. "Well at least your last day alive will be awesome." She replied. We were going to a concert to a band I had never heard of. It was called 5 Seconds of Summer. It sounded pretty cool, and Ashley said they were a pretty cool band. A "boy band" or whatever. I think she was just trying to get me to fall in love with someone real. (My current crushes were fictional characters from my favorite book series.) I slowly got up from my desk and stretched. "You're not wearing that to the concert are you?" She asked. "Why not?" I said, feeling a little hurt. Really, what was wrong with my clothes? All I was wearing was a simple light blue T-Shirt and jeans with black Converse. Ashley clicked her tongue in a disapproving manner and threw open my wardrobe doors. "Honestly, Camie, I don't know how you do it." She said sadly. "Do what?" I asked. "Wear such plain you have any dresses? Even a skirt would do." "Uh, no?" I'm no girly-girl, as you can tell. Ashley slipped out of my room and disappeaeed down the hallway. I stood in my room alone for what seemed like an hour. She finally came back, carrying a short strapless black dress that had random sparkles showered along one side. In her other hand she was carrying platform high heels. "Those are my mother's clothes!" I shouted. "Get changed quick, or we'll lose our spots." Was all she said before slamming my door shut. I sighed, then slipped into the dress. I felt awkward and exposed and extremely missed the comfort of my jeans. Next I put on the shoes and had to use the wall for support. The last time I wore high heels was...I don't even remember! Ashley knocked lightly and I shouted "Come in!" When she entered, her jaw dropped to the floor. "Y-You should dress like that more often, Camie, it would be good for you." She stuttered. I think she was pretending to help with my self-esteem, but I'm not 100% sure that was entirely it. I did feel good, in fact, I felt great! "You need something else...Ooo I know!" Ashley shouted. She told me to close my eyes and I felt something cold lay against my throat. I opened my eyes and smiled. It was a necklace shaped like a clockwork angel (To those Mortal Instruments fans out there...)

"There, now you look more... put together." She said. I smiled and took an awkward step forward. (These high heels are really annoying!) "To the concert!" I shouted. Ashley giggled and grabbed my hand, then practically dragged me to my old pick up truck. We got in and I pulled out of the driveway. And off we went to my first concert. The concert that would change my life, maybe forever....

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