Carrot Willem walked into his new school. He saw a kid with blue hair and rabbit ears? He was wearing a red bow tie and had red circles on his cheeks. He was wearing a sky blue color shirt and denim jeans. "Hi, i'm new here, can you show me around?" Carrot asked him. "O sure hehehehe!!"
"What's your name?" Carrot asked. "I'm BoN bON!!! WhO aRE yOU??" Carrot thought that was a funny name, but so was his. "I'm Carrot." Carrot says. "O!! So can I eAT yOu??" Oh, no. Now he's gonna make fun of me. "Uhh," Ono!!!! "jUsT kIddiNg LoL!!!! I can show you around now!!" Carrot followed Bon Bon through the halls and he showed him what each room was. "For some reason the music teacher is really a bully!!!" Bon Bon says. "Why?" Carrot asks. "He gets anger when we can't play violin right!"
"Well, class is about to start! Cya!" Bon Bon said, and ran off. Carrot walked to his first class. His first period teacher was Miss Phantom Chica. She looked oddly similar to a watermelon. "HeLLO cLass!! TodAy wE hAve a NeW sTudEnt!!!" Miss Phantom Chica said to the class. For some reason, lots of the students had ears. Not human ears. Animal ears. "IntroDuCe YouRseLf!!" She said. "H-hi," Carrot said. He was a bit shy, standing in front of the class. "M-my name is Carrot. Carrot Willem." Some of the students gave him a weird gaze for a second.
"OkeY! Go sit down Carrot!!" Carrot walked to his seat. It was labeled Carrot Willem. His seat was next to someone named Circus Baby. "Hi-hi!!!" Circus Baby whispered to Carrot. "Hello," Carrot responded. "My name is Circus Baby but you can call me Baby hehe!!!" She pointed to her nametag. Baby had long red hair in pigtails and was wearing a sanguine color dress. "Okay. Well I'm Carrot, but you already know that." Baby giggled. "That's a funny name! But I guess I can't be the one to talk!"
"OkAy cLasS!" Miss Phantom Chica shouted. The students all looked at her. "ToDay wE wiLl bE lEarNinG aBouT tHe diFFerENT tYpeS oF wAterMelON!" Oh, yeah, Carrot thought. I forgot this is a class about watermelons! "One type of watermelon is the Icebox Watermelon! Icebox Watermelons are small and perfectly round!! They are very sweet and have deep red flesh," Carrot felt woozy at the thought of 'flesh.' Carrot didn't like stuff like that. It made him want to puke. The teacher went on about the 'deep red flesh' and how sweet it was. It sounded kind of gross. Is that what they call the inside of watermelons?
"Okay class, we have just enough time to go over one more type of watermelon!" Miss Phantom Chica said. Carrot groaned a bit. He just wanted to have recess. "Another type is Picnic Watermelon or The Charleston Gray Watermelon!!!!!" Carrot almost fell asleep during class. This was so boring. "Picnic Watermelons can be 15-50 pounds! Wow! They are larger than-" Suddenly the bell rang. Finally, Carrot thought.
His next class he was unsure of, but he saw a familiar face in the hallway. "Bon Bon!" Carrot shouted to him. "Oh! Hi Carrot!" Bon Bon waved to him. "Do you know where room 134 is? Sorry, I forgot," Bon Bon smiled and pointed to the door. "Thanks Bon Bon." Carrot said, and walked to his class. His teacher was Mr Phantom Foxy. Carrot sat down in the back row. There were no assigned seats in this class so he could sit where he wants. "Uhhh hello class!" Mr Phantom Foxy said to the class. "Today we will be doing... uhhh.. uhhhhhhh..."
Carrot looked over to see who was sitting next to him. The kid who was sitting next to him must have noticed he was looking at him because he turned around and smiled at Carrot. "Hi." He said to Carrot. "H-Hello." Carrot said. The boy nodded then turned his attention back to the teacher, who was still confused on what to do. He had Purple-ish hair with bunny ears. He was wearing a red bow tie and a mauve colored shirt with black jeans.
"Okay kids, today we're just going to watch a movie." Mr Phantom Foxy. All the kids cheered. He turned on a movie that was about a little boy who was bullied because of his name and he was really sad about it, but his parents didn't care and didn't do anything about it. It kind of reminded Carrot of himself, just his mom actually cared.
Violin Time JAJAJA (FNAF Crackfic)
HumorCarrot Willem is a pretty normal guy with a stupid name. And his sister, too, Kebab. Carrot always got bullied at his old school because of his name, being a literal vegetable. So, along with his mother and sister, they moved to a new house with a n...