The rest of gym was very awkward, especially that Carrot got teamed up with Funtime Freddy. They were playing volleyball, and of course, the team they were against was Bon Bon, and someone named Puppet, or Marionette, Carrot didn't really know. "GrEaT! I hAD tO gEt pAirEd wiTh yOu! YOu prObABlY suCk aT tHiS!" Funtime Freddy said to Carrot.
Carrot thought he should probably try to get on his good side, and win the game. "You guys can go first!!!" Marionette said, and threw the ball over to their side, hitting Funtime Freddy in the face. Luckily, It wasn't a real volleyball. "Ow!!!" Carrot was trying not to laugh. "Oops!! Sorry!! HeHEee-"
Funtime Freddy threw up the ball and hit it. Somehow, Bon Bon was really good at this despite his height, and hit the ball nearly every time.
At the end, amazingly, Carrot and Funtime Freddy had one more point than Bon Bon and Marionette. "Wow. Good job you guys." Bon Bon said. "hAhah! I diD iT! I bEaT yOU gUys!!" Funtime Freddy said, excitedly. "Well, Freddy, I think It was more Carrot than you-" Marionette said to him.
"No! It wAs ObViOusLy Me!" Funtime Freddy argued. "I have to agree with Poopit, I'm pretty sure you only scored a few points while Carrot scored way more." Bon Bon said. "wAt?? I ThOUGhT yOU wErE mY fRIEnD!!" He sHouTed. "ME CRI!!!!"
When the bell rang, they all left to their last period. Carrot's last period was music. He was pretty sure his teacher for music was the guy who gave him that dog animatronic thing. When he got to the door, he noticed Bon Bon was right beside him. "Hi Carrot! Good job winning that game!!!"
"Thanks Bon Bon!" And they walked inside. The first thing Carrot noticed was that there was many violins scattered all across the room on shelves and tables. "Oh hi..! It's yOu aGaiN!!" The teacher said. "Oh um yeah, hi." Carrot said.
The teacher stood in front of the class while the students were sitting on a blue-ish purple carpet. "HaLLo class!!! Me name is Mr Springtrap JAJAJA!!! And you better not make up nickname for me like 'Springy-boi', or 'Springy.' If yOu dO I wOn'T LiE aNd sAy I wOn'T kiLL yOU-" He said. h
"Oh also, If you see that weird bunny guy in the dark don't talk to him!!! HE'S TRYING TO GET MY IP ADRESS HELP!! AnYwaYs uM-" There was lots of whispering coming from the students. "uHm wEll, I tHiNk wE sHoUld GeT tO kNow OuRselVes bEfoRe wE cOnTinUe- I'LL gO firsT uM- I reAllY LiKe tOasT wiTh bAnAnaS oN iT aNd I FeEl VeRy ePiC whEn I eAT toAstS!! AlSo, I dOn'T ReAllY cAre iF yOu caLL mE 'Mr' oR nOT uHm yEah uH i'M bOrinG.. uH wHo wOuLd lIkE tO gO??"
Bon Bon raised his hand. "Okay, you can go." Springy-boi said. (HEHEHEHEH) "OkaY! Thanks!" Bon Bon stood up in front of the class. "Hello, I'm Bon Bon, my favorite color is blue and red and I really like spending time with my friends and I prefer peace and quiet over loud, obnoxious noises!!"
"OkAY! You can go sit down Bon Bon. Who's neXt?" SpRinGy said lol. Someone else raised their hand. It looked like the person with purple hair Carrot had seen in Mr Phantom Foxy's class. "Okay, you go!!!"
The kid went up to the front of the room. "Uh, hi. I am Bonnie. FeAR mE!!! The end." He said. "UhM, uH oK, who would like to go next?"
When Carrot finally had enough courage to go up, he raised his hand. "OKiE dOkIe!!" Springtrap sAid. Carrot walked up to the front of the room. "H-hi, I'm Carrot, um, uh, I like the color orange which is convenient, since my name is Carrot. Um, yeah that's all uh,"
Finally the bell rang and all the kids ran out, going to get to go home finally. "HeY! I never got to teach anyone how to play violin yet!!!"
When Carrot walked out of the building, he got a text from his mom saying, "Can't pick you up today. Use the money In your pocket to get a cab. TY." Carrot sighed, and waited for a cab to show up.
When a cab came, Carrot jumped into the back seat. "You can pay me after." The driver said. The driver sounded oddly familiar. "Okay,"
Suddenly, Carrot realized, he never told the driver his address. "Hey, wait, do you know where you're going?" Carrot asked. Then, the driver turned around and It was Funtime Foxy!!! "AAAAAAA"
"Don't worry, I know where you're going!! HONK HONK!!!" She said. "Uhm, okay," Carrot said. "But how do you know where I live??" Funtime Foxy was silent for a second. "UHH I DEFINITELY DON'T STALK YOU!!!"
"UH UH OKAY!!" Carrot said. They were already almost to his house. "Here it is!! HONK HONK!!!" Funtime Foxy said, and Carrot practically ran into his house.
When Carrot first got home, he was greeted with his sister. "Hey Mr Poo Poo Pee Pee!!!" She said. "YOU'RE THE WHO BULLY!!!" Carrot shouted, and ran up the stairs, into his room. He took off his backpack and the first thing he saw when he opened it was the animatronic dog. "Oh, I forgot about you!" He said to the dog.
Carrot got a closer look at the dog. He had a name tag that read, 'Fetch.' "Oh! So your name is Fetch! HaLLo Fetch!!" He said to him. Just then, Carrot got a text from a random number. "Hello." It said. Carrot looked at Fetch. "Did you send me that?" He asked the dog. Of course he didn't. Carrot thought. That would make no sense. "Yes." He got a text.
"Wow, you really did text me..." Carrot said. "Yes." He repeated. "Do you want to play fetch?" Another text said. "What does that mean?" Carrot said out loud. "It means I will fetch you whatever you need! Cow emoji."
"Oh, cool! Well, could you get me a choccy milk? I'm thirsty jajaja!!" Carrot said to Fetch. Fetch then disappeared. "Fetch? Where you go??"
Then, Fetch reappeared in his room, with his chocolate milk in his mouth. Fetch placed the glass of the milk on the floor. "Wow Fetch, thanks. I didn't think you'd actually be able to do that!" Carrot said to him, and took a sip of his choccy milk.
Suddenly, Carrot got a text again, but this time it was from Bon Bon, "Hi Carrot! UhM uH hhhh!!!!" He texted him. "Wat????" Carrot texted him. "Btw, I'm writing you in my Death Note." Bon Bon texted him. "Wait, what?? Is this really you, Bon Bon?" Carrot responded.
"UM UH YEAH!!! DEFINITELY NOT FUNTIME FREDDY UH UH YA BYE!!!" He texted. UgH wHy iS tHaT fAt bEaR bUllYiNg mE!!! Why won't he stop bully?? Carrot thought in his head, and walked downstairs to get more chocolate milk since he had finished his. He was once again greeted with his sister.
"HELLO AGAIN MR POO POO PEE PEE! YOU DOWN HERE TO DRINK POO POO PEE PEE???" She said to him, loudly. "STOP BULLYING!" Carrot yelled at her, got his choccy milk, and ran back upstairs. When he got back up there, Fetch was gone.
Meanwhile, at Funtime Fred e's house, he stole Bon Bon's phone and was texting Carrot, so they wouldn't be boyfriends anymore!! Funtime Freddy heard something and turned around. There was some sort of animatronic dog. "Who are you???" He asked the dog.
"If you're missing a hand, you can't text anymore!!!" The dog said, and bit Funtime Freddy's hand off. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Carrot sat on his bed looking for Fetch. "Fetch? Where you go to???" He asked the air. Then, Fetch appeared back again on his floor. "FetCh!! YoU bAcK!!" He said. Then he got a text saying, "Lol, I got his hand, lmao."
Fetch had a bLooDY hand in his mouth oNo! "Wait, what? Who's hand is that?" Carrot asked. "UhM definitely not your sister's lol." He texted him. Ono!
Violin Time JAJAJA (FNAF Crackfic)
HumorCarrot Willem is a pretty normal guy with a stupid name. And his sister, too, Kebab. Carrot always got bullied at his old school because of his name, being a literal vegetable. So, along with his mother and sister, they moved to a new house with a n...