Chapter 49

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Valentines Day. The day where half of the female population sits home eating ice cream and watching high school musical.

But not me. Sam was taking me out for the whole day, just the two of us. We haven't gotten to spend lots of time together since we got back together but today is the day the two of us can just be alone. I roll out of bed walking towards the bathroom. I run the hot water in the shower. I tie my hair up in a messy bum and jump in the shower. I stay in there for about an hour before getting out.

I walked to the closet picking out a red crop tank with the cuts on the side, a black leather skater skirt with a gold belt in the loop, and black wedges. I curl my hair and put on red lipstick, mascara, and did my smokey eye. I grabbed my black handbag sitting on the end of my bed.

"Ohh you look hot." Kenzie complimented. I laughed, "thanks."

"Hot date with Sam today." she smirks and I nod. "Ohh he's gonna get some tonight." I threw a nearby pillow at her head. "Shut up Kenz."

From Sammy😍👅💦: I'm outside babe, can't wait to see you ;)

"My night in shining amour is here." I straighten out my clothes. "Have fun Mags." she smiled. "Thanks Kenz." I wave before shutting my room door.

I walk down the stairs of my floor regretting not taking the elevator. My deodorant better not fail me now.

I walk towards the front door greeted by Sam. "Happy Valentines Day beautiful." he kisses my cheek. I smile wrapping my arms around his neck. "Happy Valentines Day to you Mr. Wilk." I laugh.

He takes my hand in his as we walk down the streets of L.A. He was wearing white button down, a black blazer, black jeans, a black tie, and his signature black vans. "You look very handsome." I rub circles with my thumb on his hand. "And you look very sexy." his eyes traveled up and down my body.

Heat rises to my cheeks and I look down at our intertwined hands. "Aww your blushing." he cooed. "Shut up Sam."

We walk a few minutes more before arriving at Sierra Mar, an extremely nice restaurant. I pull him by his arm, "Sam, you don't have to do this." He rubs his hand up and down my arm sending chills throughout my body, "I want to." I fake smile before proceeding into the restaurant.

"Hi how may I help you?" a perky blonde greeted us. Please tell me she's not our server. "Table for Wilkinson." he smiled. "Right this way." she guided us towards our table outside. "Your server will be with you shortly." she said walking away. Phew.

"Sam this is so sweet." I smile. "I'd only do this for you." he tapped my nose making me scrunch my face. "Your so cute."

"After dinner we're going to the beach for a little surprise." he winked. "Babe, this is perfect enough." I sigh grabbing his hand from across the table. "I want to spend as much time alone with you as I can." my heart fluttered making it impossible for me to smile for the millionth time today.

"That was amazing." I said as we were walking out the restaurant. "It really was." Sam agreed. "Now let's go to the beach." he said grabbing my hand once more.

We walked downtown towards a beach that I couldn't remember the name of. I took of my wedges as we walked in the soft sand. The closer we got the more I could see. There were candles in a shape of a heart surrounding a blanket. There was also a giant teddy bear and a dozen roses.

"Oh my god Sam." I run to my teddy bear who was bigger than I was. "I love it, thank you so much." I embrace Sam in a hug. I plant a long passionate kiss on him lips playing with the hem of his blazer. I break the kiss and take my thumb rubbing the red lipstick off his mouth.

"I can't wait to take you home." I said. "Who? Me or the bear?" Sam asked. "Maybe both if your lucky." I bit my lip, grabbing his tie pulling him towards me.

"Can I give you your present now?" I pout. He nodded. I took out a box from inside my bag. "Open it." I hand him the box. His eyes go wide once he saw it. "You got me Wiz Khalifa tickets?!" he yelled. I chuckled nodding.

He grabbed me pulling me close to him. "I love you. I love you. I love you I love you. I love you." he said between kisses. "I love you too." I smiled. "I have one more present for you." I smirk.

"Oh and what would that be." he loosened his tie. "Well it's at your house." I wink. "Well we better get going then." he began kissing my neck. "After you." I laugh. I grab my giant teddy bear and shoes as we run to his apartment.

Hope you guys had a great Valentines Day. I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it sucked ass, again. I love you guys!!

twitter: wilkasf☕️

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