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"Lift your shirt" A boy with shaggy hair instructs. My eyes widen at his words, he shakes his head disappointed by my thoughts. "I'm going to put this on your side, it'll help with any pain or soreness your experiencing in your side."

I look away from the boy trying to hide my embarrassment. "But if you want to deal with the pain that's fine too" he says, his tone with a hint of annoyance. "No....I mean uh...I- my side..." I say trying to gather words that will say what I mean.

"Yuta don't torture the poor girl" the tall boy interrupted. Yuta came back over to me and lifted the side of my shirt, exposing my side that hit the tree. He dipped what looked to be a wide a paint brush into a bowl he was holding.

"hold your shirt here"I did as Yuta instructed and held my shirt in place. I felt a cold thick consistency spread across my side. "you can put your shirt down now" Yuta set down the bowl on the table near the couch I was sitting on.

"So when am I going to know who you all are?" I ask full of curiosity. "I'm Johnny, you should get to meet everyone else later tonight" the tall boy beamed. "later tonight?" I repeated, how long do they expect me to stay here?

"you don't have anything to do later do you?" "well no...but my friends don't know I left the party" Johnny nods his head understandingly then says "just text them explaining you left with us."

"I'll just tell her I left and went home because I felt sick" I pull out my phone and send the exact same thing I said I would to Gahyeon. "Do you all live here?" I ask. Yuta shakes his head no "some of us live here and others have their own houses or apartments"

"We all come here everyday for training usually" Johnny added onto what Yuta said. "Training with your powers?" I ask. "Well not only our powers, we also train in things like combat" Johnny replies.

"If we don't train we all die." Yuta looks down at his hands then walks away with the bowl he put on the table. "He's joking right?", Johnny gives me a serious look then says "we train to be prepared for the attacks"

"what attacks?" I ask starting to get worried. "People are sent to capture us and take us to the-" "The man on the white horse" I interrupted, Johnny gives me a questioning look "Yeah- how did you know about that?"

"I saw him in a dream, him and his men were chasing after me and....the guy with the black hair, your friend" I say hesitating to tell him about the boy that was there. "Jaemin was in your dream?"

Jaemin, that's his name? "I saw Haechan, and a women as well. Everyone was screaming burn the witch at her" I explain. "What did the women look like?" Johnny asks "I drew a picture of her, the drawing is at my house"

"Already got it" Haechan says, appearing out of thin air. "How did he-" "He can teleport" Johnny whispers to me, I nod showing I understanding. "Have you seen her before?" I ask.

Haechan looks at Johnny then back to me and nods. Mark walks by and takes the drawing from Haechan "only in legends" Mark scoffs. "Do you think she's alive?" I ask.

"I doubt it, she was burned alive just like the others" mark replies, "ok can someone explain to me what exactly is going on and how you guys so much about this stuff!" I say confused.

"Don't worry whenever everyone gets here we'll explain" Haechan gives me a smile, "how long is that going to take?" I ask, Haechan shrugs. "I can't stay here waiting for them forever!" I scoff "I'm going home"


I try to open the door to my house but the door is locked. I go around to the back door since it's always open, but when I twist the knob and push the door doesn't budge.

I look up at the window that leads to my room and let out a deep sigh, I guess I'm climbing into the house again.

Maybe I can use my powers, I jumped to the top of a tree this can't be too much harder. I stepped back then started running towards the house, I bent my knees then launched myself into the air.

I go flying towards the window, I try to grab onto the window seal but I can't manage to grasp it and I go crashing through the window instead. I groan in pain and flip onto my back before getting up. "That hurt" I say looking towards the broken window.

I get the broom and dustpan and start sweeping up the glass as well as thinking of how to explain this to my mom.

I grabbed the first-aid from the bathroom and clean the cuts on my face, and arms the window created.

Just as I finish cleaning my wounds I hear a crash come from downstairs. "What now?" I slowly head downstairs to see what made that noise.

I stop at the bottom of the stairs and look around. I check the kitchen then the living room "there is no one here, I'm probably imagining things now" I head back to the stairs but someone grabs my shoulder.

I turn around to see a man in armor, I let out a scream and stumble backwards. "W-WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" I shout with a shaky voice. "I've been assigned the mission to acquire you" the man says with a very familiar voice shy voice, like one of the guys that was in my dream.

I remember what Johnny said about people trying to kidnap them, are they after me now too? The man took out a sword and points it at me "let's go" he demands "you see I would do that but I'm kind of busy at the moment" I look over at the back door and make a run for it.

The man chases after me, I run back towards the house Haechan and Johnny were at. I run through the woods, with the guy right behind me. I burst through the front door of the house and scream "HELP!"

A few of the boys come running into the room I'm in, Jaemin grabs my arm and the next thing I know we are behind the other guys.

"So this is where you all hide out" the man said looking around intrigued. Yuta threw a glass bottle filled with water at the man in armor's feet, creating a puddle. The man looked down at the shattered glass then at Yuta and laughed "What was that supposed to do?"

Yuta looked to another boy I haven't seen before, the boy put his hand down in the water and sent out electricity from his hand to the water, electrocuting the man in armor.

The man fell to the ground and the boy got up earning cheering and clapping from the other boys "I told you all that practice would pay off Chenle" Mark shrieked. "You should probably stay here with us until you learn how to use your powers to defend yourself" Jaemin says.

Mark and Johnny tie up the man in armor and take him down to a section of their basement they turned into a prison.

"I think I'll take you up on your offer of me staying her" I tell Jaemin. Jaemin leads me to a room and tells me "this is where you'll be staying, I'll take you to go your stuff from your house later tonight" Jaemin says before leaving the room.

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