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I sit up and open my eyes frustrated once again. "You can't get frustrated, you need to stay in a peaceful place for this to work" Chenle repeats.

"I know, you've told me." I move to the edge of my bed and rub my face with my hands.

"What if this idea won't work? We might be wasting time and letting him plan another attack..."

Chenle sits down beside me and puts his hand on my back "This could also be our way of finding him."

I nod my head "I'll keep trying but I'm going to take a water break" Chenle gives me a smile and nods.

I get up and walk out of my room, I close the door on my way out. Once the door is completely closed I make sure none of the guys are around, and I leave the house.


I move quickly, the walk was long just like before but I eventually made it back to the forest that looks like it's from a fairy tale.

I look around until I find a flat rock big enough for me to sit on it. I sit down on the rock with my legs crossed.

I close my eyes and try to use my visions to find the man that rides the white horse.

The next time I open my eyes it's pitch black outside. "How long have I been out here?"

A growl emerges from the bushes behind me. I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight.

I slowly turn to look behind me, something that looks like it's half bull and half human rises up.

For a few seconds we just look at each other then a terrifying sound escapes the creatures mouth.

Without a second thought I get up and take off running. The thing follows closely behind taking wide strides almost leaping off the ground with each one.

All of a sudden everything goes eerily silent and the creature is no longer behind me.

I get tripped up on one of the roots sprouting from the ground after only paying attention to the nonexistent creature.

I lift my face out of the dirt and crawl to my phone that is now laying about 10 feet away from me.

The ground starts to shake as loud thumps come closer. A tight grip surrounds my entire body and I'm lifted from the ground.

I'm brought close to the creature's face to be met with an exhale of hot breathe.

The grip around me grows tighter with every movement I make. The creature opens it's mouth and I start slowly moving towards it.

I start to scream louder and louder for help hoping someone is close by. I close my eyes to focused and fire shoots from my hands, burning the creature's hand that is around me.

I pained roar comes from the creature and it's hand opens all the way causing me to fall from it's grip.

When I hit the ground I'm met with an immense amount of pain in my left leg.

The creature roars in anger and gets in a charging stance. I get up as fast as I can and move out of the things way.

It chargers forwards, running into a tree and getting it's horn stuck. I limp over to my phone and call Jaemin.

"Tell Yuta to go to the forest we collected samples in and bring weapons" A hand hits me, sending me flying into the side of a tree and knocking the phone away from me once again.

I lay on the ground for a few seconds trying to recollect all the air that was knocked out of me.

I push myself off the ground and head in the direction of the house. I limp on my now numb left leg.

The creature stomps on the ground causing me to fall from the impact around me.

The creature lunges towards me, I put my hands up guarding my face. Just as the creature is about to grab me a blue light hits it's chest, pushing the creature back.

A pair of arms lift me from the ground "I think my left leg is broken" I turn my face to see Jaemin's full of worry.

Jaemin lifts me bridal style. Yuta, and Jaemin then take off running. Anytime the thing gets close to us Yuta shoots something with a blue light at it, giving us more time to get away.

Once we cross over the line for the outdoor training area Jaemin and Yuta stop running.

"What are you doing?" I yell. The creature runs towards us as fast as it can but when it tries to cross over the training area's line it moves backwards like it ran into a wall.

"It can't get past this area, none of the things from the forest can" Yuta explains with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"What is that thing?" Yuta shakes his head and stands up straight "It's a Minotaur"

"I have a better question, Why the hell were you in the forest??" Jaemin raises his voice when saying the last part.

"Can we just get inside and do something about my leg?" Now that the adrenaline is leaving my system I'm starting to feel all the pain coming from my leg.

Jaemin takes me inside to his room since his is closer.

He lets me down onto his bed and Yuta comes in with a bunch of stuff. My vision starts to go darker until everything is pitch black from all the pain in my leg.

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now