Chapter Sixteen

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I made plans with Rhys Arrowood to meet up with him in the DC for dinner. Happiness that I could finally start having my plan fall into place was combined with even more serotonin when I walked into the DC. Everyone had come back to their rightful positions, circling my table as if nothing had changed. It felt nice. I assumed it had something to do with the Purge- everyone unsure of who'd be kicked. It felt nice to have my power back.

"Nastassia" a warm and sensuous voice says from behind me, raising the hairs on the back of my neck.

I pivot to face him, flashing my sexiest smile. Rhys Arrowood in the flesh, and oh was he gorgeous. His pure black hair was styled in a way reminiscent of Elvis Presley, but with a lot less grease- slicked back with just a bit falling down into his face and tangling with his lashes. And definitely lacking the disgustingly thick sideburns, as well. 

One of his eyebrows had a cut through it, separating the two sections right at the arch. His skin was slightly tanned and his lips seemed permanently set in an arrogant smirk. His build was one of a swimmer, which he was, and he stood at just about hit six feet tall. 

"Hi, you. I was hoping you had at least one class with me, but you didn't, unfortunately" I say, looking up at him through my lashes. I'd done a little extra mascara just for the special occasion. 

"Yeah, sure. I wanted to talk to you in person, to let you know that THIS wasn't happening". 

It takes everything in me to keep my mouth from dropping as he motions between the two of us.

"Right. Um...may I ask WHY? You gave me your number, called me pretty and came here just to tell me THAT?". 

"That's not exactly how it happened, but sure" he says, leaning against the door frame to allow a couple to pass by. 

"So, how DID it happen?". 

"Your friend, Selah, came up to me and took my phone out of my hand without a word. She's really bold, by the way. And then she texted herself from my phone so that she'd have my number. I asked her what she was doing, and she said you were interested. The deed was already done, so I just accepted my property back, and told her at least you were pretty. She walked away, and that was that".

"One, Selah isn't my friend. And two, I still don't understand why it can't happen between us". 

He brushes past me and into the DC, heading for the salad line. "Because I enjoy living for myself. I don't want any dead weight or burden holding me down. I'm SELFISH, Nastassia. And I like it that way".

"So am I. Maybe we could be selfish together" I suggest, never the one to give up quite so easily. 

"Or, maybe not. I like that idea even better. It comes second best to the one about you dropping this entire thing and going about your day like a good little girl". My face turns a shade almost as red as my lipstick. 

"But, I need something from you" I protest, grabbing his arm as he goes to walk away. 

"That's unfortunate". 

"At least sit at my table, Rhys". 

He looks up and around the DC, and then back down at me. "The one with all of those people sitting there waiting for their star to come back and entertain them? No, thank you. I'm not interested in putting on a show. Is it surprising to you that some people prefer being alone?".

Ouch. I know they say that words don't hurt, but I'm pretty sure that sharp pain in my stomach came from his little monologue. "Look, asshole, I'm just trying to make someone jealous. All I want is to use you, okay? I was going to do it without your permission, but you ruined that possibility". 

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