Daughter of Destruction and Stars

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Disclaimer: This is not a real myth. I wrote this for myself and while it was inspired by real Greek myths, it isn't one.

Most days of the week, the abandoned warehouse on Delvir st. was empty. It had been this way for over 20 years, ever since the original owners had died in a fire. But recently, someone had been disturbing the dust that coated every surface, and their giggles and whispers echoed through the night no matter how hard they tried to muffle them.

At this, she smiled. It had been years since she had heard the joy of mortals, so long had she hidden away. So many years since... What was that?

Footsteps, and laughter. More than one, she thought, of course. And then, without so much as a whisper of fabric, she disappeared into the shadows.

"Stop that, London, you'll get us caught," said a male voice. A girl, presumably London, only giggled. A second boy spoke.

"Don't be so uptight, Chris. There's no one here," Chris grunted in response.

"That's funny, Derrick, because I clearly remember you shaking like a leaf when we came here the first time."

Another girl. So there are four. The goddess prowled through the darkness, taking in the sight of them. On top of the crates danced a girl with fiery hair, her green eyes shining with mirth. London, the spectator thought immediately. Below her stood a boy, his face creased with worry. This must be Chris. To Chris' left was a blond male, tall and handsome, casually observing London and Chris. Derrick.

Behind all of them was the other one. She sat on the tall shelves that lined the walls, her eyes closed. The girl had dark hair that tumbled past her shoulders, and when she opened her eyes the goddess saw their striking colour, not unlike the midnight waters of the Styx. Her name had not yet been spoken, so the immortal one reached out and gleaned it from the girl's mind. Mira. The lady in the shadows smirked. I like this one, she thought as she gently skimmed Mira's thoughts and memories. I like this one very much.

Mira looked up as if she sensed the goddess standing just to her right. She didn't falter, however, and turned towards the other three who were now sitting on the crates where London had danced.

"Do you want to hear a story?" she asked them in a soft voice that held an undeniable power. Mira's eyes flicked to the shadows once more, and she smirked. Although Mira did not know who truly stood there, she was aware of the divine presence. And she was not afraid.

Derrick scoffed quietly, and in an instant, Mira's eyes were on him. He looked down quickly. London's eyes were already alight at the suggestion and Chris was only looking at London.

Mira didn't wait for an answer.

"Have you ever heard of Hecate?" Maybe she does know, thought the goddess, her grin widening.

"Hecate is the goddess of magic and doorways," Mira continued. "The daughter of Perses and Asteria, daughter of destruction and stars."

Her voice powerful, and it echoed throughout the warehouse. "Her downfall from Olympus was not due to her lack of power. She was the most powerful of them all. She did not fail a test of divine strength, nor did she run from a god."

The goddess' smile faltered. I hope for her sake that she tells this right. But Mira's voice was strong, and she did not fall for the stories of Hecates' weakness. Maybe she will tell the story right.

"The King of all Gods, Zeus, feared the maiden of magic and darkness. Hecate did not visit Olympus often, preferring the peace of the Underworld and solitude of the lesser-known mountains; but when she did, Zeus had her watched carefully. For all the centuries he has done so, none of the spies have ever returned."

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