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A/n- f/e/t= favorite egg type

You slightly wake up as you were half asleep you felt like you were moving. You felt someone holding onto you. You moved your head closer to whoever it was, snuggling into their chest. You smelled them and realized it was Cas.

You smiled knowing you really liked him. He carried you in the bridal style effortlessly. You felt weightless, as he carried you into the bunker.

He set you down carefully on your bed. You groaned opening your eyes to see Cas looking down at you.

"Cas can you stay for a while?" You groaned grabbing his hand.

"Sure y/n." He whispers as he takes off his shoes and trenchcoat.

He moved to the other side of the bed laying down resting his head on the headboard. You move closer to him resting your head on his chest, taking a deep breathe as you smelled his scent.

He was hesitant but he reached his hand over your shoulder and rested his hand on your waist. You put one hand over his chest moving closer to him.

Your heart fluttered knowing that you were laying with the one person you liked.

'I hope he likes me back'
You thought as you fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning
You woke up and noticed Cas was gone. You groaned as you got out of bed, still exhausted from the hunt.

You slowly walked towards your dresser pulling out sweatpants and a tight shirt to wear. You brushed out your h/c hair.

As you walked out to the kitchen and map table you over heard Cas and Sam talking.

"I don't know Sam, I feel this weird feeling around her, like I want to pull her as close as I can in a hug. I can't take my eyes off her, she's so beautiful. My stomach flips when she says my name. Can you explain these feelings Sam?" Cas says confused but nervous.

"Cas I'm no love expert, but I'm pretty sure you are in love with her." Sam says.

You decided it was a good time to walk out, you stroll to Sam and give him and hug.

"Goodmorning Sam" you say then looking at Cas smiling.

You walk over to him giving him a big hug. He embraced your hug and as you put your face in his chest, he put his chin on the top of your head.

"Goodmorning Cas. Thank you for staying with me last night." You say looking up at him as his gaze meets yours. You smile causing him to smile.

"Ahem" Dean coughs.

You look over at him as you walked to him, he walked towards you giving you a big hug lifting you off the ground.

"Goodmorning Dean" you say smiling.

"So who wants breakfast?" Sam asked grabbing the keys.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" You and Dean say at the same time.

You climbed into the backseat with Cas, as always. You lean into his embrace causing you to smile.

It was a 10 minute drive, you were coming up on the diner. You groaned not wanting to get out of the car, but at the same time wanting breakfast.

"Okay we ready for some breakfast?" Dean says pulling you out of the car. You laughed a little as he pulls you closer to him. You pull away from him as you walked towards Cas. Dean looked visibly upset but you ignored it because you liked Cas not Dean.

The unexpected love  Cas x reader Where stories live. Discover now