make up

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You woke up as there was abrupt knocking on the door. You look up as Cas was still there. He greeted you with a warm smile that he always does.

You groaned as you got out of bed to check the door.

"Y/n! I know you're in there open up. I need to talk to you." You heard knowing it was Dean right away.

You rolled your eyes are you sighed opening the door.

"What Dean" you say annoyed.

"Like I said, I need to talk to you." Dean said inviting himself in.

You closed the door and sat down at the table.

"Well.." you said looking at Dean "you gonna say anything"

"Look" he said grabbing your hand, "I was so stupid saying that stuff about you, I was just over reacting because the whole demon thing. But listen I can't lose you, you already are like a bestfriend to me. I'm so so so so stupid. I'm so sorry y/n" He finished staring into your eyes.

You look down and pull your hands away from his grip.

"Yeah well, maybe you should think about what you say, before you say it Dean. You don't even understand how that felt, I really thought I would never see you again. You guys are literally part of the only family I have, the only friends I have ever had, and you said all those things." You said as your eyes teared up.

"I know and you probably won't forgive me, but I am truly sorry." He said pulling you into a hug.

You nodded as you pulled away from the hug.

Cas was just watching the whole thing unfold as he gave Dean the death stare.

"Cas was with you the whole night?" Dean asked winking at Cas.

"Yeah and what about it." You said punching him in the arm.

"Well are you gonna pack your shit up so we can head back to the bunker? Or you just gonna stand there" Dean said pushing you to your bag.

"Yeah yeah okay let me get my stuff together" you said laughing.

You missed having them around, that night without them, without being at the bunker made you realize how much you really love those guys.

Cas was staring at you squinting.

"What's up Cas?" You asked concerned

"Are you sure your okay. I don't understand how you could forgive Dean for what he said." He said standing up walking towards you.

He stood their a foot away from you. You admired him, as you always do.

You shake your head, "yeah I don't forgive him just yet, but it makes me feel somewhat better that he came to apologize, you know?" You respond.

He nodded walking towards the door. You watched him walk away, wondering why he cares so much for you. After all you are the king of hell's daughter. It didn't make sense to you.

You finished packing up and got into your car making your way back to the bunker.

Dean had beat you back, you didn't really care though. You walked into the bunker heading towards your room when someone grabbed you from behind.

"What the hell!" You say startled.

You look back and it was Sam as he laughed at you.

He grabbed your hand and walked to the kitchen where Dean was there.

"Sammy ran out and got you pie." Dean said with a sorry look in his eyes.

"Its kinda like a Dean fucked up, sorry for that pie." Sam said grinning.

You giggled and gave Sam and hug.

"Well thank you." You said still laughing.

You walked into your room and unpacked your duffle bag, attempting to make your way back to the map table that you call the living room.

Cas appeared right infront of you. You punched him startled.

"Holy shit Cas! You scared the hell out of me." You said as he pulled you into a hug.

You moved away confused.

"Cas....." you say "what's wrong?" As you sit on your bed.

"Y/n, there is something I need to tell you." He said very seriously, looking right at you.

You were very nervous about what he had to say.

"Umm okay what is it?" You said almost biting your nails.

"You know how the first day I met you, you saw my wings. And you know that there is only two possibilities, one you are an angel, which I would've felt your grace. Or two, your my soulmate." He stated siting next to you.

"Okayyyy" you said looking into his eyes.

"Well, you are my soulmate y/n" he said reaching for your hand.

"Wait, are you serious?" You said still in shock.

"Yes very. And I have been feeling these weird human feelings around you. Sam said that they mean I have a 'crush' or 'in love' with you." He said air quoting.

"Cas....." you said looking at your hands, "I-i like you too." You said looking back up at him.

He smiled warming at you as you wrapped your arms around his torso. He moved his arms around your waist as you both sat their for a couple of minutes.

He ran his hands through your h/c hair as you still had your arms around his torso.

You looked back at him, staring at his eyes. As he looked down at you, you leaned up as you kissed his cheek. He had a small tint of pink in his cheeks as you got up dragging him along with you towards the kitchen.


"Sam! Dean!" You screamed having the idea of a movie night

"Coming!" Sam and Dean say in sinc.

"What's up" Dean asked pushing you slightly.

"I was wondering if you guys maybe wanted to do a movie night?" You asked with hope in your e/c eyes.

Cas decided to show up, he appeared with a flap of wings.

"Oh hi Cas! We were just talking about a movie night. You in?" You asked smiling

"Yes, of course, that sounds fun." He says returning the smile, walking towards you to give you a hug.

"Alright well what movie?" Sam asked chuckling at Cas.

"I was thinking maybe we should binge watch the Marvel series starting tonight?" You said leaning on the couch.

"Oh hell yeah! Let's do it." Dean said with a huge grin.

You nod walking to the kitchen grabbing some snacks as Dean grabbed the first movie.

You were so excited you wanted to scream. As you grabbed everything Cas came in to help bring stuff out. After you said you got everything he walked back with you, while his hand was on the small of your back.

You give everyone their share of snacks walking to the loveseat couch. Cas sat next to you as you leaned onto him watching the movie. He moved his arm to your waist as you both were concentrated on the movie.

A/n- so yeah, cas and y/n are kind of something but they aren't really together yet. I hope you liked it!

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