the truth

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After meet up with your dad you wanted to express your feelings towards Cas, more than anything. But there was one thing you had to do first.

You decided after about a week of being with those boys that you were going to tell them about Crowley. You thought it would be best, you didn't want to keep that secret from them anymore.

You walk out to the map table, you see Sam and Dean scrolling on their computers.

"G-guys" you say as they turn their heads, "I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead, we are all ears." Sam says reassuring.

"Okay well, my parents died at 10, and someone kinda took me in and raised me. He just so happened to be Crowley. W-which I'm guessing you know who he is." You say looking down at your hands not wanting to look especially Dean in the face.

"Y/n, why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Sam asked stunned, rubbing his hand on his head.

"Are you fucking kidding me, the king of hell he's your dad!" Dean shouts getting up from his seat.

"I should've known you were hiding something from us! Maybe you should go back with your 'dad' because I'm not sure we can trust you anymore!" Dean hissed.

You were still looking into your hands shocked about what Dean just said.

"Dean, don't you think that's a little harsh, she saved our lives for fuck sake" Sam said looking him dead in the eyes.

"H-hes not what you think Dean, he's sweet and raised me from a young age, teaching me everything I know, I saved you, I didn't kill you, don't you think he did something right with me?" You say "would you rather me sell me soul at 10. Huh!" You were getting angry.

"Just fucking leave I can't look at you right now!" Dean hissed putting his hands on the table to lean on it.

"You know what!" You scream "fine and don't expect me to come back!" You say walking towards your room.

You started sobbing thinking of the fact that Dean was kicking you out, you didn't know what to do, you loved living with them.

Just as you got consumed into your thoughts someone grabs your arm from behind and spins you around towards them.

Cas pulls you into a hug, allowing you to cry as much as you want.

"Y/n, I heard what Dean said, he was over reacting, he shouldn't have said anything he did." He said pulling away from the hug looking you in the eyes.

"I don't know Cas, maybe I deserve it, I didn't tell them the full truth, I'm not surprised he acted that way, I just d-dont want to lose you guys." You said as your gaze met his.

"We can't lose you y/n, please don't go." Sam says walking into your room.

"Well Dean obviously can." You said starting to pack again.

"Y/n" Sam says as he turns you around again "please don't go, he was shocked, he doesn't really mean the words he said." Sam says pulling you into his embrace.

"Maybe I should just go to a motel for the night, maybe he will cool off by morning." You say pulling away from Sam's hug.

Sam and Cas nod their heads as you pack a small bag attempting to get on the road to the nearest motel.

You hear a flap of wings in your car and saw it was Cas.

"I'm staying with you y/n" Cas said as he looked at you squinting.

"Why Cas." You said looking at the road.

"Because I can feel your distress, I'm not going to leave you alone for the night, especially with how vulnerable you are right now." Cas said reaching for your hand.

"Okay, thank you Cas. And I mean it, you are always there for me and I thank you for that." You said glancing at him quickly before turning back to the road.

"Of course Y/n" he said as he smiled.

Arrival at the motel

You arrived at the motel, grabbed a room and headed toward your room.

When you got into your room you immediately changed into some shorts and a baggy shirt that you always wear.

Cas was of course staring out the window, you decided to break the silence.

"Cas" you said grabbing his attention "you wanna watch a movie" as you patted the bed next to you.

"Sure what movie" he asked moving towards the bed.

He took off his shoes and trenchcoat and sat on the bed next to you.

"I don't know I was thinking maybe f/m?" You said looking at him.

"Sure, that sounds like a good movie." He said smiling.

"Okay!" You said as you put the movie on.

You leaned onto Cas as he put his arm around you pulling you closer to him.

Your head was resting on his chest as you both watched the movie.

As the movie finished, you decided you wanted to go to bed, you put your h/c hair into a bun and laid next to Cas, you moved closer to him as you rested your head on his chest once again.

You almost immediately fell asleep while he gently rubbed your back.

A/n-this was another pretty short one but the next one will hopefully be longer! Hope you enjoyed.

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