Chapter 15

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"So give me blood, blood, gallons of the stuff. Give me all that you could drink and it will never be enough so give me blood, blood, blood!" I sang this as I sliced my knife down the inside of his arm, laughing when he screamed.

"J-just stop this! You've gone insane!" He struggled at the restraints, crying out when the cuts spilled crimson down his arms.

"Sweetcheeks, I've always been insane." I let out a laugh, alternating tones until I ended it in a cough.

We had been here for a while, yet for no time at all! Time is almost irrelevant when you're enjoying yourself!

"B-but T-"

I cut him off by putting a finger to his lips. "Shhhh. We don't need you giving away my Identity Mr. Canadian! That would only make for a bad plot twist."

I thought for a second, pulling my finger away. I threw my hands in the air, suddenly even more excited than before. "Call me The Annex"

He rolled his eyes, beginning to speak again. "So since you're probably going to kill me, can you at least tell me why you're doing this?"

I scratched my head, leaning on my right leg. "Ehh,....... nope! No can do Mitchy poo!"

I stood back up straight and began to circle the chair he was tied to, making a little incision on the unmarked patches of skin every few seconds, a malicious smile on my face the whole time.

"You see, I'm starting to get a little bored with this whole 'killing you slowly' thing." I made air quotes where necessary, and shifted hands with the knife.

"So, Im just gunna kill you know! Any last words for anyone special?"

His eyes widened larger than they were before. They were now showing the one thing they had lacked before.


"I don't really trust that you'll pass this message on, but if you do, tell Jerome I'm sorry I ended this way and that I love him." He hung his head, finally looking somewhat given up.

"Alright. Goodbye BajanCanadian! It has truly been an honor!" I said this in a lightly accented voice, trying out how it sounded.

He looked back up with a sudden urgency I wasn't expecting. He starred daggers into my eyes, never breaking eye contact as I began toward him.

When I grew very close though, he started to thrash around very violently. He was doing the best he could still tied to the chair.

But that still wasn't good enough.

I pushed him and the chair up against the wall, pining him wall before bringing my knife down. I slit his throat, watching the crimson cascade downward on his torso like a waterfall until there was silence.

I began to untie him from the chair, going over the numerous amounts to murder the others in my head.

'I could do a healing potion and poison mix, I could use some unlucky fellow for target practice, Oh! The possibilities are endless!'

I quickly finished untying him and picked him up, starting out of the room. I nodded to my helper to open the door.

Once out of the soundproof room I found on the Base, I turned to my helper.

"Hey, can you clean this up please? Thanks"

He nodded, and I set off toward the dining room. I was being very cautious not to alert anyone to me walking by, and safely made it to the dining room unnoticed.

Once there I strung Mitch up in a puppeteer rig I constructed that was hanging from the ceiling.

After that I quickly wrote out his little note to Jerome with me left hand, and stuck it to Mitch with the knife.

I stepped back to admire my work, and was quite pleased with the final product.

I let out a sigh of content, still proud of my accomplishments. "One down, many more to go."

I quickly walked back to my room, enthusiastic about what's to come.

"I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love!" I sang this quietly, walking into my room,

Hi! (Plz dont kill me)

*hides under table* ;-;

This is how I am intending for the book to go. Sorry if its no bueno


Love ya!


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