Chapter 1; I live in a cliche world

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Leona Collins' POV

As a commoner my life has been pretty rough.

My mother has to feed the two of us by herself and she worked day and night. To make things worse after the war started, we were attacked by bandits and they took everything away. The soldiers were too busy focusing on the war that they simply forgot about us, commoners.

Well, not like it's something rare. They do that all the time, specially in Eskar. Stupid and arrogant nobles blinded by money who can't even understand that commoners are the ones who earn money to feed them, just simply ignores us while soldiers are busy minding their own business.

Life in Eskar city never changes.

But misfortune still followed us.

One day my mother caught very severe illness.

I dedicated all my life to pay for my mother's medication fees. Needless to say, buying medicine when we can't even buy our daily food was truly difficult.

But still, I don't want to lose the only thing I have.

Fortunately or unfortunately I'm quite pretty. That's probably the reason why the library owner took me as a librarian out of all the jobless people out there. From then on I stopped doing hard labors, stealing and pickpocketing since the job pays quite well and I can also read some books.

It's forbidden for commoners to learn how to read and write. To me it sounds like a pathetic attempt of nobles who're actually afraid of losing their position. But since I'm pretty smart I learned it easily.

Haha, just kidding. I was scolded by my boss, Ernest, quite a bit although I started learning when I was 16.

I actually struggled a lot. It was hard for me to write those complicated letters. Not to mention after working my ass of for my whole life, my rough hands filled with scars just can't get adjusted to the long thin pencil.

Ernest allowed me to read any book I want during my free time. So I spend my time reading various different type of novels as the library is mostly empty because of the lack of customers. The proud and arrogant nobles (excluding Ernest) won't even bother to come here in person and will just order books from their home.

Seriously, no wonder most of them are fat.

Anyway just receiving huge salary by sitting around and reading books was like a dream. To me Ernest is an angel sent by gods.

Of course I'm not in love with him or anything.
He's a good man in his mid twenties, nice and gentle but it's just..I can't think of myself in relationship.

It may sound stupid but I hate men.

Wait, this sentence might cause misunderstanding. I'm not into same gender or anything, it's just that I hate everyone in particular aside from my mother and maybe Ernest. I like Ernest but not enough to start being affectionate.

Above all else, I hate the royals.

Fortunately I don't usually bump into those bastards as my daily schedule is same everyday, waking up early, cleaning house, going to library, return home, cook, take care of mother and repeat. It was a satisfying route if it wasn't for my mother's illness getting worse.

Therefore it only means more payment. On top of that the stupid Marquis who rules over the city has raised the tax once again. So I needed more high paying job. Fortunately Ernest wrote a recommendation letter for me and I, who don't have single bit of knowledge in medication field became a nurse.

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