Chapter 3; We don't like our new job

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Leona Collins' POV

I got up earlier than everyone else. It was purely just to explore things and get myself washed up first. I don't want my body to be seen by people in the public shower.

When I was younger, I pulled a hot soup on my entire body. Most of them healed but the scars still remain around my hands, shoulder, stomach and leg. It's mostly on my right side which is the reason why I often wear gloves. Mother said I couldn't use my right hand after a long time because of that incident. I believe that's why I became left handed.

Anyway showering only by myself in such huge place is truly blessing thing. It's like having warm rain falling down on you, washing all of the dirt away before you could do anything. Yesterday was actually my first time having shower as I mostly wash myself at home or in the river. Nonetheless I prefer washing myself in a waterfall rather than the actual shower.

"Why're you awake so early, girl?"

I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was the woman Ashley tried to talk yesterday.

"It's a habit. I apologize if I bothered you"

But you're bothering me though. Please stop looking at my naked body even though you've a towel cowering around you.

"You should sleep more. Life here ain't easy. You'll understand it after a week"

She turned on the shower on the other side and started to wash herself. I didn't want to be around her any further so I left right afterwards. When I returned, others were only waking up, some of them dressing up for the new day.

I put on my new uniform. At least it's not as big as before. Ashley really fixed it well in such short period of time.

"Good morning"

I saw her struggling to get up from the bed, her curly brown hair now looking very messy without braids she was wearing yesterday. Still she looked very cute. The female lead halo is a dangerous thing.

"You should hurry before they come back. We still don't know where the dining hall is"

Realizing that everyone aside from the two of us left the room, she clumsily put on her clothes, grabbed a towel and rushed towards the bathroom.

Ashley's neighbor and Vera were the first to return. I actually passed Vera on my way here but seeing her fully dressed up and in full makeup was rather surprising.

My hair isn't even dry yet. How magical.

Before the awkward tension started covering the room, others returned back little by little. Then we all headed towards the dining hall to eat our breakfast, Ashley following me nonstop like a lost sick puppy.

"What's wrong with you? A fever?"

"N-no. I'm just nervous. Today Ms. Janet will assign our jobs so.."

"Oh, I totally forgot about that. Hope she'll at least give us a time to adjust to our surroundings"

"Yeah, me too"

I glared at her in pity. I can guess what job this girl will be receiving and the possibility of it being correct is 99.99% which is good for me. I can do much simpler jobs and will simply watch her find happiness whilst supporting her as a supporting character.

But being too close might cause problem.. I mean since there's a protagonist there must be also an antagonist right? What if they kill me as an example to make her obey or threaten her?

"__Leona, are you still there?"

I was brought back to reality by Ashley's frustrated face, pouting like a baby.

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