Chapter 7; Journey to the garden

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Leona Collins' POV

"Ah, thank you for your hard work. I really appreciate your help. You're a true gentleman sir"

I clapped my hands and praised him continuesly while comfortably sitting on a chair, using my injured legs as an excuse. I still don't know the stranger's name but he's kind enough to do all of my work of today just in two hours.

"You're welcome Ms. Collins. It's a pleasure to help out a gorgeous young miss such as yourself. After all if it wasn't for me causing trouble, you'd have been able to work. This much is nothing compared to the damage I've done to you"

And he has a bit of a glib tongue as well.. I'm sure it's not intentional. He seems to be a carefree type of person who speaks their mind in a very nice way.

"Again, thank you sir. My legs feel quite fine now so you should return to your duty as I'll finish the rest of it myself. I'm sorry if I disrupted your work. Will you be fine, sir?"

At my fake worried smile, he grinned from ear to an ear and scratched the back of his head. I felt slightly bad for lying; after all I don't have a work left to do. He finished all of it

"Don't worry, I'm a personal servant so my presence won't be necessary until lunch. Unlike you, I've only two rooms to clean and serve dishes"

My eyes widened in surprise.

There's only very few people living in the castle. After the tyrant king killed all of his family members, only those who were trustworthy remained. However knights and guards obviously won't get a personal servant of their own which leaves only one person..

"Do you perhaps serve lord Claud, his highness' right hand man?"

"Oh you already figured it out? It's not usually that I get to show up around the other servants so you probably don't know about me. But still I've never seen you around here before.. are you perhaps one if the new servants that came few days ago?"

"Yes, I started working only few days ago. That's why I made a mistake and angered the senior maids which resulted my punishment"

"But still.. they really overdid it"

Wait, since he's the personal servant of the only man on the world who can actually stay normal around the emperor, isn't he an important figure? He might've even more influence than the senior maids, comparable to that of the head butler.

So it means, I just ordered around my boss for the last two hours, fooled him that I was very sick and made him do all my work whilst complaining about unfair treatment servants take?

Wow, I feel so proud of myself.

As they say, ignorance is a bliss so let's just ignore my inappropriate acts.

"Sir, you don't have to get angry for over such things. It was my fault for disobeying their order to not help my friend, Vera.. Because she's my friend I had no choice but to disobey my seniors' orders"

Yeah, he's my boss so let's rat them out as well while I'm at it. I'm dying to get back at those three stupid woman who stick together everywhere they go as if they were glued to each other. Other senior maids are not as annoying as them. They probably have mental disorder that makes them feel satisfied by bullying people.

At my innocent remark, he looked confused as if he was trying to understand the situation.

"What're you saying? They punished you because you helped your friend?"

"Oh.. uhmm.. I'm sorry, it was a slip of a tongue. We're not really allowed to talk about issues involving the seniors. Anyway, I believe sir has more important jobs to do so please get going. I don't want to bother you anymore than I already did"

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