Chapter - 15

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Hey lovelies ! How ya doin ?

I UPDATED ! Hehe.... ENJOY this

When she introduced to me her daughter Janelle, I was terribly shocked ! I wanted to leave to house immediately but that would be so rude. So I bared with the moment.


" Hey ! Ally ? Why is it you ? " Janelle asked. " Aren't u with the boyz ?"

I kept quiet as I was to annoyed to speak.

" U two know each other ? " Her mum asked.

" NONONO ! I don't know her ! " I said with Immediate words.

" YES ! I know her ! We knew each other since kindergarten..." Janelle exclaimed.

I smacked my hand against my forehead in disbelief to the fact that she still recognise me as her friend.

N I realise Janelle's mum keeps eyeing me suspiciously.

I felt a little uneasy so I went to the room directed to me by her mum n placed my things down neatly by the corner.

I've no idea why, but when I entered the room, I immediately broke down. I kept thinking abt what Harry has down. Sigh...


" It's Janelle! Can I come in ? " Janelle shouted from the outside of the door.

" Sure ! " I immediately wiped my tears of my face.

" Remember to come down for dinner at 7 ! " She reminded me.

I didn't expect Janelle to see through my expression but...

" Were u crying Ally ? What happened ? "

" Ummm....Ha....Ha....Har...." No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't say it.

" It's ok Ally, u can tell me everything ! I'll lend my listening ear for ya ! " Janelle said generously.

" It's be....becoz of Harry ! " I manage to choke out my words.

" U meant what happened that night ? " Janelle said. " I'm really really really sry that u've gotta see that...I'm really sry..." She apologised profusely.

" It's not ur fault's HARRY'S ! That BUSTARD ! " I began to feel the heat against my forehead with all the rage I was in.

" Clam down Ally...although I suppose he shldnt hv done that..." Janelle comforted me trying to pretend it was all Harry's doing.

" But why didn't you push him away ? " Ally feeling a little suspicious towards Janelle.

" coz...."

Just then Janelle's cellphone rang in the mid of our conversation. She answered it.

" HELLO ? " she answered.

" Hi Janelle ! I was wondering...if u saw ..."

" U mean Ally ? " Janelle asked.

Me trying to use sign language, telling her not to tell Harry I was here.

" Can't believe he still has the cheek to look for me..." I whispered to myself.

" How did you know I was finding her ?"

Janelle kept silent upon trying to figure out what I was trying to tell her.

Janelle went back to the fone.

" Oh I'm so sry Harry....what were u saying ? "

" Umm...I was asking if you hv seen Ally anywhere...? "

" Ummm...No! I hvent seen her at all these few days ! " Janelle trying not to sound suspicious.

" I thought u said....never mind...Thxs anyway...if u spot her, plz inform me ! " Harry said sadly as he hung up the fone.


" Phew ! That was close ! " as i heaved a sigh of relief.

" But why don't you wanna go bck ?"


" Oh I see it's coz u ran away from home didnt you ? "

I nodded my head slightly.

" Ok...but once ur ok with everything...I gotta return to them ok ? They're very worried for u..." Janelle advised.

" Ok...I will ! "

As I promised Janelle.

So I hope the story is goin really well ! Thxs for all the reads ! I can believe it made it to 400++

Thxs so much ! Many Thxs so my lovely fans !

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