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"Let's begin Y/n, Norman" 

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"Let's begin Y/n, Norman





"Hey, Y/n whatcha doing?" The ginger asked the H/c haired girl while running up to the girl who was sitting under a tree.
"Oh! I'm making a flower crown with the flowers I found in the forest!" The girl replied holding up the half-finished flower crown
"I wanna make one too!" Emma said while jumping up and down so fast Y/n thought her legs were going to fall off
"Okay, Okay just stop jumping it's making me dizzy!'The h/c-nette exclaimed while the hyper girl just sat down next to her, eyeing the basket of flowers next to Y/n

"Okay Emma I don't have many flowers but I have enough to make some flower crowns!" Y/n put the basket filled with flowers in front of them, there were all kinds of flowers, signet marigolds, asters, daffodils, tickseeds, and a few different other ones. The two girls sat under the tree, Emma was attempting to make the flower crown but failing miserably while Y/n seemed to be an expert at making them even though she had never made one in her life.
"Hey Y/n why are you so good at this, yours looks awesome but mine looks like somebody stepped on it and then threw it over a fence!" The 6-year-old whined tugging on the sleeve of the H/c haired girl next to her




It was around half a decade before the escape, a time of innocence for most of the children at the Grace field orphanage including Emma, Y/n, and Norman. They were all clueless to the tragedies that laid ahead of them. Nobody, not even Ray hadn't expected the multiple turns of events that would change their lives for such a long time.




"Come on Emma it's not that bad, here ill show you how to make it first you..." The older girl began explaining how to make the flower crown, not missing any details that would be useful. After explaining to Emma, the redhead's eyes light up with determination. The older girl laughed at her friend's change in attitude while finishing her flower crown. Two boys walked up to the girls and looked at what they were doing for a bit then decided to speak.
"Hey what are you two doing with all those flowers?" the albino boy asked looking down at the two girls in curiosity
"Oh were making flower crowns, do you wanna make some with us?" Emma responded only looking up at them for a moment then putting her attention back to the unfinished flower crown in her hands.
"Actually I think ill pass, what about you Ray?" Norman asked turning his gaze to his black haired friend standing behind him. Ray on the other hand had his gaze focused on a certain H/c haired girl, who didn't seem to be paying attention to the other's presence. He was analyzing how some strands of her H/c hair fell onto her face while she looked down at her now almost finished flower crown and how her eyebrows knitted together and how her nose scrunched up when she was focusing hard on something-
"Hey Ray are you listening to me?" Norman asked turning his attention to what Ray was looking at. 'Oh, so he likes Y/n huh?' The albino thought to himself while still trying to get Ray's full attention
"Huh? Oh yeah, ill just read" The boy said finally turning his attention to the boy in front of him. He started walking toward the library before somebody grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going to his destination
"Hey Ray wait!" The H/c-nette said still having her grip on the boy's wrist
"Here I'm going to make another one so you can have this one to keep!" Y/n exclaimed holding up the now finished flower crown
"H-huh o-okay" Ray said with a pink hue spread across his face. He took the flower crown from the girl in front of him and just stood there not knowing whether to put the crown on or to just walk away with it in his hands
"What are you standing there for put it on! Here ill help you!" The H/c-nette said as she grabbed the crown from his hands and put it on his head, it sat on his head slightly lopsided.
"U-uh thank you Y/n!" He said slightly touching the crown that sat on his head before turning as red a tomato
"Its no problem, actually if you want to preserve it you should put it in your book so that way you'll always have it!" Y/n suggested as the boy looked down at the book he was holding.
"Yeah, ill consider that" The raven haired boy responded already knowing that he was going to put it in his book even if she didn't suggest it.

Slight manga spoilers up ahead





'Im glad I decided to keep this' Ray thought as he was looking at the flower crown with now dried up flowers 'Something to remember her by' He thought as he put the flower crown back in a book "Hey sleepyhead you ready?" The man called out to the raven haired boy who staring off into space "Yeah, just saying goodbye to someone"






Hello my dear readers and congratulations on making it to the end of the prologue. I decided to make my own prologue instead of the gate scene that was shown at the beginning of the anime. Yes I am hinting at something and it is painfully obvious but just you wait for the plot twist ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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