I Am A Shinobi

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Guts looked at Naruto with his hand on the handle, "What're you doing here?", he said calmly, "I told you to leave."

"I couldn't just leave you out here to die."

"It's not like you have the strength to beat this fucker."

"I got my memories back. And I have my old power back, plus a new type of power..."

Guts frowned, "How convenient. You better not do some stupid shit again."

Naruto smiled and placed his arm over Guts's chest, "Stand back... And let me fight him for a bit to loosen up!", he winked and set his eyes on Femto.

"This is not your fight, young one. STAY OUT OF THI-"

Naruto dashed at him, grabbed snow from the ground and shoved it inside Femto's mouth. He grabbed him by the neck and stretched out his other hand. He spun around and threw Femto in the air, he teleported right above him and a blue spinning orb begun to form on Naruto's hand. Naruto swung his arm back and struck the orb into Femto's chest.

"RASENGAN MOTHERFUCKER!", he screamed excitingly as Femto crashed into the ground creating a small crater in it.

Guts gasped and smiled, "Did you kill him?!"

Naruto huffed and brushed his hair back, "No. He's still got some fight in him."

Guts only growled and walked towards Naruto.

"STAY BACK!", Naruto warned, "He's coming from below! Dash to the right!"

Guts complied and Naruto jumped up in the air, Femto flew up from the ground, throwing chunks of the ground flying all over the hill, he flapped his wings and flew into the air.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!", Naruto shouted as three clones came out and got into a formation. Each clone grabbed each other by the foot and grabbed Naruto by the hands, they spun around and swung him towards Femto.

As Naruto got closer to Femto, he glanced over at Guts and Guts nodded, knowing Naruto's plan. Femto readied a powerful fist as Naruto was right in front of him when he suddenly disappeared out of thin air. And from Naruto was, Guts appeared with his giant blade over his head and with a evil smirk on his face. He swung it right down at Femto, hitting him in the helmet, creating a dent in it, and making him fly towards the ground where Naruto waited for him. As Femto almost reached the ground, Naruto flew up and delivered a nasty punch to his side. He teleported away and grabbed Guts from mid air, preventing his partner from falling to his death.

They landed together on the ground as Femto begun to get back up. Guts looked at Naruto and smiled, "That was a nice plan."

Naruto smirked, "I marked you when I grabbed your hand, and waited for the perfect moment to catch him off guard. It won't happen again though. But, we'll be able to land hits if I teleport you around the hill."

Guts nodded, "But hand-to-hand combat won't beat him."

Naruto looked at him, "Leave that to me. Give me ten more minutes, then I'll beat the living shit out of this motherfucker! Got it?"

"Got it!"

"Okay then!", Naruto raised his blade up in the air, "CHARGE!", he yelled as both him and Guts dashed at the charging Femto.

Femto ignored Guts and went for Naruto, he flapper his wings fast enough to catch Naruto off guard, "I HAVE TO TAKE YOU OUT FIRST!", he grabbed Naruto's shoulder and punched him straight in the face, making our favorite used-to-be-blond kid fly across the hill, Femto boosted himself in the air, flapped his wings toward Naruto, then bending them flying at top speed to swoop Naruto off the ground.

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