Chapter 6

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"He's my cousin."
I said and waited for their reaction.
"And Tom cruise is my boyfriend"
Laiba said and burst out laughing.

"Shut up Laiba"
Aina said looking at me as I was still dead serious and Laiba too looked at me still amused.
"I'm serious. He's really my cousin"
I said weakly trying to make them believe me once again.

"So you're saying that Umar has a mysterious brother Hashir who is your mysterious cousin and we don't know about it nor you guys ever told us?"
Laiba asked still half serious maybe thinking that I'm joking.

"I said he's my cousin. I never said he's Umar's brother"
I said rolling my eyes at both of them who looked shocked at the revelation.
"Dua how's that possible?Your mother has only one sibling her sister who is Umar's mother and Umar is her only child while your father has no siblings so how can you have another cousin?"
Laiba asked seriously and I sighed at their questions.

"I'm sorry guys I lied to you about my father's family. There are many things you don't know about me yet. My father also has a brother. My uncle and Hashir is his firstborn son. So Hashir's also my first cousin"
I revealed and both of them gasped at my words.
"Wait. So Sir Hashir is really your cousin. Wow. But why did you lied to us about your family?"
Aina asked me getting confused.

"My father and uncle has some family problems and property issues. They're fighting a case over property. We don't meet eachother. In short my father and uncle are no less than eachother enemies. And I didn't tell you guys because my father never let us tell anyone that he has a brothet. We never really talk about it ever. So I hid it from you too"
I elaborated everything to both of them leaving some unnecessary details.

"So what you're saying is that Sir Hashir's really your cousin. But what I don't understand is why Umar hate him and why you and Umar fought with eachother?"
Aina asked me and I averted my eyes at her question.
"He too hate him due to family.There's no personal grudge between them and I don't like it that's why we fought"
I answered ever so simply avoiding the real reason.

"So don't you hate Sir Hashir? I mean his family is fighting a case with your father"
Aina asked me and I looked at her. Hate. I don't hate him. No. I can't hate him. Instead I felt opposite for him but I didn't dare say this in front of them.

"I don't hate him. His father's fighting a case against my father not him. Besides I think it's also my father's fault too. So no. I don't hate him. I can never."
I mumbled last words in my mind but they heard it as their expression changed.

"What about him?"
Laiba asked and I was at loss of words now.
"He hate me. No he loathes me. I'm sure he wishes to kill me if it's in his hands"
I whispered the harsh reality to both of them who looked shocked at me.

"He doesn't hate you Dua. Instead I think he likes you. He always take secret glances at you when he thinks no one's looking. I'm thinking you have some misunderstanding"
Aina told me seriously and Laiba too nodded looking at me.
"Besides I don't think he'll be that naive to keep grudges against you for something your father did"
She added looking at me and I closed my eyes taking deep breaths.

"He doesn't hate me because of his father. He can never do that. He hates me because of some personal reasons."
I mumbled and opened my eyes to look at them who were looking at me confused.
"What personal reasons?"
Aina asked this time and judging from my expressions they were sure that I won't answer and I didn't.

"I can't tell you that right now. I promise I'll tell you everything. But not right now. Please"
I pleaded at them and they both nodded and assured me that everything will be alright and they don't judge me for whatever I told them and I thanked God for giving me such good friends who always understand me.

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