Chapter 13

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Dua's P.O.V

"Hello little wife! missed me?"

Hashir said in my ears his warm breath fanning my face but before I could do something he pulled back and removed his palm from my mouth and I glared at him at his audacity.

"Stay the fuck away from me"
I yelled at him after my breathing calm down a little.
"Why? So that you cousin could do the honours in my place."
He spat at me keeping a distance between us.

"Are you accusing me now?"
I couldn't help but ask him since I knew he was talking about Umar. He never liked Umar. He used to get so annoyed whenever I talk about him.

"I don't need to. Aren't you being so lovey dovey holding hands with him"
He said in curt voice while I looked at him mouth agape. So he was really keeping an eye on me but guess what if he can hurt me with his accusations I can do the same.

"Why does it matter you?"
I asked in bored tone trying to get away but he caught hold of my wrist and pushed me towards him in a jerk.

"You're still my wife if you forget and I won't allow you that till you're under my nikkah."
He said in raging voice but now I was extremely furious at him not only he judged my character but he has audacity to call me his wife after torturing me in every possible way.

"Oh really. Than care to explain what were you doing in some other girl's arms when your wife was standing next to you."
I replied in same tone recalling how he had hugged that girl and told us all to get out.

"For God sake she's my sister. Stop it right now."
He said in somewhat disgusting tone and I was confused now. He didn't had any sister. But she can be.....
My mouth hung open in shock when I realized who she can be. She must be Hamna his milk sibling.

"She was hamna?"
I asked more like stated and he nodded his head.
I was so embarrassed that I just wanted the ground to open and swallow me whole. I was jealous with my sister in law. My cheeks burned red in embarrassment and we both remained quite for a minute.

"I wasn't holding hands with Umar I was just pinching and teasing him since he was bothering me in the whole function."
I clarified myself after a minute since I didn't want him to think that I have any feelings for Umar or anything and also because he had also given me his clarification. No matter what Hashir was still the most important person in my life even if he doesn't think the same about me.

"Let's go back. Everyone must be looking for us."
He said somewhat politely and we headed back to the party.
I was just going toward my friends when a guy and a girl approached us. They were the same people who were talking to Hashir a while back.

"Hashi where did you go so suddenly?"
The girl asked him and I frowned at her nickname.
"I was just outside Sara."
Hashir answered her and before she could say something else. The guy cleared his throat.

"Won't you introduce us with this beauty?"
He asked and then the girl also noticed that I was also standing besides Hashir.
She gave me a polite smile which I returned and Hashir introduced them to me.

Apparently they were his best friends. They were twins and I couldn't believe it they look so much different from eachother.
The girl Sara she was so polite and kind girl that I instantly liked her and bonded with her. I also introduced her to my friends who also loved her personality. Her twin Asfandyar also looked very fun loving and frank.

The function soon came to end after some hectic six hours. It was almost night and almost all the guests had already left. So me and Aina also decided to leave. Laiba and Zohaib had already left since they had some dinner date planned and Umar had to meet some old friends so he also left. Now it was only me and Aina who were here.

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